2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses Listing


Orality Studies

  • ORAL 6743 - Oral Cultures and the Use of Legends, Myths, and Proverbs

    Credits: 3

    This course will consider the interplay between worldview and traditional oral art forms, such as legends, myths, and proverbs, with particular attention to how worldviews are developed, preserved, transmitted, and transformed.

  • ORAL 6753 - Narrative Teaching Approaches for Oral Learners

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine the pedagogical approaches that serve oral learners best, paying special attention to narrative and participatory learning. This will include preparing students to teach oral learners effectively, utilizing traditional oral communication patterns and appropriate means of assessing learning.

  • ORAL 6763 - Techniques and Practices for Storytellers

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine the elements of effective storytelling in a variety of cultures for the purpose of equipping students to communicate Biblical truth through the use of stories and related activities.

  • ORAL 6771 - Practicum Project- Develop and Present a Set of Stories for a Particular Ethnographic Group

    Credits: 1

    In this course the student will develop a properly contextualized and organized set of biblical narratives for a particular ethno-linguistic people group.


  • PHIL 1043 - Introduction to Philosophy

    Credits: 3

    Analysis of the principles of reasoning, the methods and topics of philosophy that emerge in the history of Western Philosophy.

  • PHIL 1114 - Philosophy and Christian Worldview

    Credits: 4

    In this course we will learn the principles of reasoning and survey the methods and topics of philosophy that emerge in the history of Western philosophy. We will also develop biblical and theological foundations to understand the Christian view of reality, while learning and assessing several alternative philosophical and religious worldviews.

  • PHIL 1502 - Critical Thinking

    Credits: 2

    A survey of the principles of reasoning, with an emphasis on practical application. Topics include evaluating arguments and sources of information, and recognizing common errors in reasoning.

  • PHIL 1999 - Topics in Philosophy

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of Philosophy. Not for independent study.

  • PHIL 2143 - History of Modern Philosophy

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    Survey of Western philosophy from the Renaissance through the 19th century, including rationalism, empiricism, and idealism.

  • PHIL 2343 - History of Ancient Philosophy

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A survey of Greek and Roman philosophy with an emphasis on the thought of Plato and Aristotle. Cross-Listed: REL 2343 

  • PHIL 2353 - History of Medieval Philosophy

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    A survey of the central issues and figures in medieval western philosophy from Augustine to William of Ockham.

  • PHIL 2363 - Philosophy of Religion

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    An examination of the philosophical issues regarding theism, religious experience, religious language, religious knowledge, and the problem of evil. Cross-Listed: REL 2363  

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043  
  • PHIL 2503 - History of American Philosophy

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the important movements and figures in American philosophy from Jonathan Edwards through the 20th century pragmatists.

  • PHIL 2703 - Contemporary Christian Apologetics

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    Christian apologetics is a defense of the reasonableness of believing that the Christian worldview is universally and objectively true. Apologists draw on objective reasons, arguments, and evidence for this purpose. Apologists employ these rational resources both to help faith grow by offering a positive case for Christian claims (watering) and to prevent faith from dying by arguing against objections to Christian claims (weeding). The goal is to try to show that Christian faith is at least as reasonable as its most reasonable competitor or, if possible, that it is more reasonable than any worldview with which is competes. But there are both theoretical and practical limits to apologetics. Apologists need to be humble, irenic, and aware that all their arguments are rationally resistible.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 2999 - Independent Study in Philosophy

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • PHIL 3103 - Philosophy of Science

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course will investigate what science is, what it does, and how it works. Special attention will be given to the methodology that distinguishes scientific inquiry from other intellectual disciplines, and the authority that the results of scientific research have, and should have, in our intellectual lives.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3203 - Logic

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    An examination of logical methods and procedures, with some consideration of contemporary philosophy of logic.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3313 - Political Philosophy

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    Study of the problems and history of political thinking, with reference to the justification of public policy. Cross-Listed: POLI 3313  

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3423 - World Religions

    Credits: 3

    Historical and comparative study of the religious beliefs of man from ancient to contemporary times. Examination of common characteristics of primitive religions and progression through tribal, national, and universal states. Emphasis on the major religious and philosophical expressions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3423 , REL 3423 

  • PHIL 3433 - Contemporary Theology

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A survey of the major movements of 20th century Christian theology, beginning with the neoorthodox reaction to 19th century Protestant liberalism. Major attention given to Protestant theologians in Europe and America such as Barth, Tillich, Bultmann, the radical theologians, and the theologians of hope, as well as to process theology. Cross-Listed: REL 3433 

  • PHIL 3503 - Philosophy of Law

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A consideration of the nature and types of law and legal reasoning; sources of law; and the basis of a legal system, of legal and political authority, of obedience to law, and of human rights. Readings include texts of important legal decisions, as well as writings by legal theorists and philosophers.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3533 - Ethics

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    A critical examination of the major ethical theories in recent Western philosophy. Topics to be included are: the analysis of language, the justification of moral beliefs, and the status of ethical theories. Cross-Listed: REL 3533 

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3603 - History of Christian Apologetics

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course is a consideration of the history of Christian apologetics and Christian apologists, from the biblical period (Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, Paul, Peter), through the early church fathers (Justin, Origen, Athanasius, Augustine), medieval Christendom (Boethius, Anselm, Aquinas, Abelard), early modernity (Calvin, Newton, Leibniez, Locke, Pascal, Paley), and the 19th-20th centuries (Butler, Warfield, Sayers, Chesterton, Lewis, Van Til).

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3703 - Aesthetics

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A study of the nature of art and aesthetic judgments from the works of historic philosophers and contemporary theorists.

    Prerequisites: FNAR 2063  and PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 3713 - Bible Difficulties

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course will engage a set of difficulties commonly associated with Scripture-(1) the question of what books belong in the Bible; (2) the allegation of inconsistencies (contradictions) between parts of the Bible; (3) the accusation of historical and scientific inaccuracies; and (4) the suggestion that the God of the Bible condones, commands, and conducts immoral actions. Cross-Listed: BIBL 3713  

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043  and either BIBL 1013 , or REL 1013 (or HON 1013 ) and REL 1023 (or HON 2143 ) with grades of “C” or better.
  • PHIL 3813 - The Problem of Evil

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    The presence of evil and suffering in the world poses both a philosophical and personal challenge to a Christian worldview. We will examine the nature and causes of evil and suffering, the intelligibility of the Christian concept of God in light of evil, and an assortment of philosophical and apologetic responses to the problem at hand. The course will also examine various nonChristian responses to suffering, particularly the response of contemporary atheism. We will conclude with an examination of how the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ transforms the Christian’s encounter with evil and suffering. Cross-Listed: HTHE 3813  

  • PHIL 4329 - Advanced Topics in Philosophy

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of Philosophy. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • PHIL 4553 - Philosophy of Mind

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A critical examination of central issues in the philosophy of mind and psychology, including the mind-body problem, personal identity, consciousness, knowledge of other minds, and intelligent machines.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4563 - Philosophy of Language

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    An examination of key issues in philosophy of language, including meaning and truth, sense and reference, speech acts, and communication.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4603 - Metaphysics

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    A critical examination of current issues in constructing a theory of ontology and/or cosmology.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4613 - Religion and the State

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the Biblical, historical, and constitutional developments in church and state relations. Cross-Listed: REL 4613 

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4653 - Epistemology

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    A critical examination of current issues in constructing a theory of knowledge.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4663 - Existentialism

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    A survey of Western existentialist philosophy, with particular focus upon major figures in Christian (Kierkegaard and Dostoevsky) and non-Christian (Neitzsche) existentialism.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4673 - Historiography, Miracles, and the Resurrection

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    This course is an investigation into principles of historical inquiry as they pertain to the possibility of gaining historical knowledge, particularly of professedly miraculous events. An examination of the biblical texts surrounding the post-mortem fate of Jesus, with evaluation of competing historical hypotheses - including the orthodox historical interpretation of Jesus’ bodily resurrection.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043  and either BIBL 1013 , or REL 1013 (or HON 1013 ) and REL 1023 (or HON 2143 ) with a grade of “C” or better.
  • PHIL 4713 - Historical Jesus

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    This course introduces students to theological, biblical, philosophical, and methodological issues related to contemporary Historical Jesus research. It will explore the nature of the task, the tools and sources available, the role of the historian, the place of philosophical insights and presuppositions, as well as past and contemporary personalities in Historical Jesus reseach.It will conclude by building a responsible and faithful portrait of Jesus of Nazareth. Cross-Listed: BIBL 4713  

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043  and either BIBL 1013 , or REL 1013 (or HON 1013 ) and REL 1023 (or HON 2143  ) with a grade of “C” or better.
  • PHIL 4800 - Christian Philosophy Colloquium

    Credits: 0 Fall

    Philosophy majors and minors will gather six times during the semester for a roundtable dialogue on the distinctiveness of Christian philosophy. Colloquia conversation will center on a book or article(s) by a prominent Christian philosopher on an aspect or issue in Christian philosophy. Course is pass-fail, discussion based.

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4813 - Postmodernity in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the philosophical foundations, cultural impact, and theological significance of postmodern thought. The works of a variety of thinkers will be examined, including those representing atheistic postmodernism, such as Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Richard Rorty, and others representing Jewish and Christian postmodernism, such as Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jean-Louis Chrétien. Cross-Listed: HTHE 4813  

  • PHIL 4900 - The Christian Philosopher Colloquium

    Credits: 0 Spring

    Philosophy majors and minors will gather six times during the semester for a roundtable dialogue on the distinct vocation of a Christian philosopher

    Prerequisites: PHIL 1043 .
  • PHIL 4999 - Independent Study in Philosophy

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in Philosophy.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.

Physical Education

  • PHED 1001 - The Wellness Lifestyle

    Credits: 1

    The primary purpose of this course is to acquaint student with knowledge and understanding of the value of physical activity as it relates to optimal healthful living. Cross-Listed: Concepts in Fitness

  • PHED 1051 - Introduction to Rock Climbing

    Credits: 1 Fall, Spring

    An introduction to the sport of Rock Climbing. Class topics will include technique, styles of climbing, safety concerns, equipment usage, ethics, and basic anchor construction. Required experiential exercises outside of class will include actual climbing in order to apply concepts learned in the classroom. Open to all classifications. Cross-Listed: SAR 1051  Additional fee required.

  • PHED 1061 - Rhythmic Aerobics

    Credits: 1

    This course uses choreography and music to attain desired levels of cardiorespiratory fitness. May be repeated for credit.

  • PHED 1071 - Water Aerobics

    Credits: 1

    This course offers choreographed movements to music using chest-deep water as resistance. Water exercise reduces impact and provides excellent opportunities for cardiovascular as well as muscle endurance training. May be repeated for credit up to a maximum of two credits. The ability to swim is not a prerequisite.

  • PHED 1101 - Karate

    Credits: 1

    This course will include physical training and techniques in the Tae Kwon Do style of Karate. Progression will go from beginner level through the medium ranks. Therefore, this class may be repeated for credit up to a maximum of three credits.

  • PHED 1121 - Women’s Varsity Golf

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1151 - Team Sports I

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Development of skills in football and basketball with participation in intramurals required.

  • PHED 1161 - Team Sports II

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Development of skills in volleyball and softball with participation in intramurals required.

  • PHED 1191 - Women’s Varsity Tennis

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1201 - Men’s Varsity Cross Country

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1211 - Men’s Varsity Basketball

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1221 - Women’s Varsity Volleyball

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1231 - Women’s Varsity Basketball

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1241 - Varsity Baseball

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1251 - Men’s Varsity Track

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1261 - Men’s Varsity Tennis

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1271 - Varsity Softball

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1281 - Men’s Varsity Golf

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1291 - Women’s Varsity Indoor Track

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1311 - Beginning Tennis/Badminton

    Credits: 1

    Instruction and development of basic skills, rules, and etiquette of tennis and badminton.

  • PHED 1321 - Beginning Swimming

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Instruction and development of basic water safety skills and swimming techniques.

  • PHED 1341 - Golf

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Introduction to basic skills and rules as well as participation in golf. May be repeated for credit. Additional fee required.

  • PHED 1351 - Archery and Hunter Safety

    Credits: 1 Fall

    This course will teach archery and other hunting skills as well as emphasize the hunter safety certification offered by the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife. Additional fee required.

  • PHED 1361 - Physical Fitness: Walk/Jog

    Credits: 1

    Physical fitness through individualized programs designed to improve cardiovascular fitness levels, through walking and/or jogging. May be repeated for credit.

  • PHED 1371 - Contemporary Games

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Wallyball, ultimate frisbee, and other similar games.

  • PHED 1381 - Men’s Varsity Indoor Track

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1391 - Women’s Varsity Cross Country

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1401 - Advanced Tennis

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Emphasis on the refinement of skills and techniques as well as match play. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1311  or equivalent skill.
  • PHED 1411 - Beginning Racquetball

    Credits: 1

    Instruction and development of the basic skills, rules and courtesies of racquetball.

  • PHED 1421 - Intermediate Swimming

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Designed to increase the student’s variety of swimming strokes and skill.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1321  or equivalent skill.
  • PHED 1431 - Advanced Racquetball

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Emphasis on the refinement of skills and techniques as well as tournament play. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1411  or equivalent skill.
  • PHED 1441 - Women’s Varsity Track

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1451 - Intermediate Rock Climbing

    Credits: 1 Fall, Spring

    A continuation of the Introduction to Rock Climbing course. Cross-Listed: SAR 1451  Additional fee required.

  • PHED 1469 - Ballet

    Credits: 1 to 2 Spring

    Introduction to ballet techniques including barre, center floor and across the floor combinations. Open to all skill levels. Instructor will adjust to skill levels of students enrolled. Additional work will be required for two hours credit. Cross-Listed: THEA 1469

  • PHED 1479 - Jazz/Tap

    Credits: 1 to 2 Fall, Even

    Introduction to jazz/tap styles and combinations. Open to all skill levels. Instructor will adjust to skill levels of students enrolled. Additional work will be required for two hours credit. Cross-Listed: THEA 1479

  • PHED 1521 - Lifeguarding

    Credits: 1 Spring

    This course will focus on the skills and knowledge necessary to become a certified lifeguard. May result in American Red Cross lifeguarding certification.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1421  or equivalent/ concurrent enrollment in HHP 1111.
  • PHED 1531 - Diving

    Credits: 1 On Demand

    Knowledge and skills needed to perform various dives from a one-meter springboard. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1421  or equivalent skill.
  • PHED 1541 - Physical Fitness: Swimming

    Credits: 1

    Physical fitness through an individualized program of swimming. May be repeated for credit.

  • PHED 1561 - Physical Fitness: Weight Training

    Credits: 1

    Physical fitness through an individualized program of weight training. May be repeated for credit.

  • PHED 1631 - Scuba Diving

    Credits: 1

    Knowledge and skills to scuba dive. May result in certification.

    Prerequisites: PHED 1421  or equivalent skill.
  • PHED 1651 - Recreational Sports

    Credits: 1 Spring

    This course will expose the student to the knowledge and skills associated with the sports of bowling, table tennis, pickleball, hickey, and golf. Additional fee required.

  • PHED 1661 - Physical Fitness: Indoor Cycling

    Credits: 1 Fall, Spring

    Physical fitness through an indoor cycling workout. May be repeated for credit.

  • PHED 1761 - Cycling

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Knowledge of the bicycle and legal knowledge associated with cycling. Cardiovascular fitness levels associated with cycling. May be repeated for credit.

    Prerequisites: must have own bike.
  • PHED 1811 - Cheerleading

    Credits: 1

    Cheerleading may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1821 - Women’s Varsity Soccer

    Credits: 1

    Women’s Varsity Soccer. May be taken for credit only once.

  • PHED 1831 - Men’s Varsity Soccer

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1841 - Varsity Football

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1851 - Varsity Volleyball

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Junior varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1881 - Women’s Varsity Lacrosse

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1911 - Men’s Varsity Swimming and Diving

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1931 - Women’s Varsity Swimming and Diving

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Varsity participation may be taken for credit only once.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • PHED 1999 - Topics in Physical Education

    Credits: 1-4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of physical education.  Not for independent study.


  • PHYS 1703 - Fundamentals of Physics

    Credits: 3 Spring

    This course introduces the fundamentals of vectors, motion, forces, friction, gravity, momentum, energy, mechanical waves, electricity, magnetism, and light. There is an emphasis on physical concepts, problem solving, notation, and related mathematical tools.

    Corequisites: Concurrently enrolled in MATH 1163  or higher
  • PHYS 1999 - Topics in Physics

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of Physics. Not for independent study. Additional fee may be required.

  • PHYS 2214 - Applied Physics for Computer Science

    Credits: 4 Fall, Even

    This class is designed to give students a broad background in physics while relating this background to applications in computer science. This class covers topics in introductory computer systems, digital systems, semiconductor devices, computational theory and contemporary physics. This class offers students a computer science emphasis with a broad exposure to several major areas of physics. Laboratory is required. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 2013  and MATH 2023 .
  • PHYS 2414 - College Physics I

    Credits: 4 Fall

    Vectors, mechanics, fluids dynamics, heat and sound. One laboratory session each week. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in MATH 1163  and MATH 1173 ; or permission.
  • PHYS 2424 - College Physics II

    Credits: 4 Spring

    Electricity, magnetism, optics, and introduction to modern physics. One laboratory session each week. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in PHYS 2414 .
  • PHYS 2515 - University Physics I

    Credits: 5 Fall

    Mechanics, Fluid, Wave, Sound, and Thermodynamics. One laboratory session each week. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in high school Physics or PHYS 1703 and MATH 2013 .
  • PHYS 2525 - University Physics II

    Credits: 5 Spring

    Electricity, magnetism, light, and modern physics. One laboratory session each week. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in PHYS 2515 .
  • PHYS 2999 - Independent Study in Physics

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average. Additional fee may be required.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • PHYS 3014 - Classical Mechanics

    Credits: 4 Fall, Even

    Statics, dynamics, introduction to Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in PHYS 2515 .

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