2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses Listing


Exercise Science, Sports and Recreation

  • EXSC 2201 - Design/Teach Fitness Activities

    Credits: 1

    Development of knowledge, skills, and abilities in designing/teaching individual and group fitness activities.

  • EXSC 2353 - Legal Issues in Exercise Science, Sport and Recreation

    Credits: 3

    Explore legal issues as they apply to Exercise Science, Sports and Recreation, and Sports.

  • EXSC 2534 - Functional Human Anatomy

    Credits: 4 Fall

    Study of basic functional anatomy specific to human movement. Laboratory is required. Lab fee required.

  • EXSC 2544 - Functional Human Physiology

    Credits: 4 Spring

    Study of basic functional physiology of the human body, specific to human movement and with emphasis on the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and pulmonary systems. Laboratory is required. Additional fees required.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 2534  
  • EXSC 2999 - Independent Study in Exercise Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall 3.0 GPA.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Independent Study form and Division Chair/Dean approval.
  • EXSC 3053 - Advanced Athletic Injury Management

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Advanced study of athletic injuries and a multi-disciplinary approach to injury and corresponding negative effects. Emphasis on complex injuries and circumstances.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 2534  or BIOL 2354 ; and EXSC 1723 .
  • EXSC 3103 - Motor Learning

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Studies of theories, principles, and concepts in motor skill acquisition, processes, and performance.

  • EXSC 3233 - Sport and Exercise Psychology

    Credits: 3 Spring, J-term

    Study of psychological concepts and principles in exercise and sport. Emphasis on exercise behavior, mental training, and optimal performance.

  • EXSC 3403 - Sport and Exercise Nutrition

    Credits: 3 Spring, J-term

    Study of nutritional principles, approaches, and methods applied to exercise and sport participation. Emphasis on macronutrients, Bioenergetics, and optimal performance.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 1733 .
  • EXSC 3504 - Exercise Testing and Prescription

    Credits: 4

    Study of ACSM guidelines and recommendations for health screening, risk assessment, fitness testing, exercise prescription, and behavior modification specific to healthy population groups. Emphasis on client engagement, behaviorial theories/models, and lifestyle enhancement. Lab fee required.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 3804   or concurrent enrollment.
  • EXSC 3553 - Current Health Issues

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Explores current health issues involving physical, mental, and social factors. Emphasis on individual and population effects.

  • EXSC 3804 - Exercise Physiology

    Credits: 4 Fall, J-term

    Study of human movement, its processes, and application to exercise and sport. Emphasis on major body systems, Bioenergetics, and physiological adaptations. Lab fee required.

    Prerequisites: BIOL 2354  and BIOL 2364  or EXSC 2544    
  • EXSC 4003 - Therapeutic Modalities in Athletic Training

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Study and application of advanced modalities in treating and rehabilitating athletic injuries. Emphasis on proper selection, procedures, and psychological responses.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 1723 .
  • EXSC 4013 - Therapeutic Exercise in Athletic Training

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Study and application of exercise specific to the rehabilitation of athletic injuries.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 1723 .
  • EXSC 4089 - Internship in Human Performance

    Credits: 1 to 9

    Internship experience in health, exercise, and/or sport. Additional fee required

  • EXSC 4099 - Internship in Pre-Allied Health

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Internship experience in health exercise and/or sport.

    Prerequisites: Completion of internship packet and approval from Internship Coordinator or Division Chair.
  • EXSC 4109 - Exercise Science Professional Certification

    Credits: 1 to 2

    Guided study of required knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) toward professional certification. Emphasis on American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certifications. Course fee required.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 3403 , EXSC 3504  and EXSC 3804 .
  • EXSC 4183 - Organization and Administration

    Credits: 3

    Study of organization and administration in recreation, wellness, and fitness programs. Emphasis on management, programming, and evaluation. Course fee required.

  • EXSC 4329 - Advanced Topics in Exercise Science

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    Advanced Topics in Exercise Science.  Not for independent study.  Not for independent study. Course fee required

    Prerequisites: junior/senior standing.
  • EXSC 4804 - Exercise Physiology II

    Credits: 4 Spring, J-term

    Continued study of Exercise Physiology with emphasis on application to normal and special populations. Emphasis on increased understanding of the relationship between theory and practical application of skills. Lab fee required.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 3804 .
  • EXSC 4833 - Biomechanics

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Study of kinesiology and biomechanics of human movement specific to physical activity, exercise, and sport. Emphasis on movement factors, analysis, and training considerations.

    Prerequisites: EXSC 2534  or BIOL 2354 . Required laboratory with additional fee.
  • EXSC 4909 - Exercise Science, Sports & Recreation Capstone

    Credits: 0-1 Fall, Spring

    Senior Seminar is team taught to allow seniors in Exercise Science, Sports & Recreation to prepare for entrance into careers in ESSR and to demonstrate competency in their major. Students are required to complete an exit exam and an exit interview with their ESSR advisor. This is a pass/fail course. Cross-Listed: SAR 4909  

    Prerequisites: Senior standing
  • EXSC 4999 - Independent Study in Exercise Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 48 hours with an overall 3.0 GPA.

    Prerequisites: Completion of the Independent Study Form and Division Chair/Dean approval.

Family and Community Service

  • FMLY 1503 - Introduction to Family Science

    Credits: 3

    Explores the theoretical function and form of families primarily found in contemporary American culture. Family themes, ideologies, love, boundaries, emotions, routines, rules, paradigms, and patterns of behaviors will be examined.

  • FMLY 1999 - Topics in Family Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    A lower-level course in a selected area of Family Science. Not for Independent Study.

  • FMLY 3303 - Aging and Death

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Course examines aging for half of the term and death/grief for the other half. Aging addresses the problems of the aging in our society, and issues such as health care planning, euthanasia, and living arrangements such as retirement villages. Death will discuss cultural attitudes about death, the grief processes, and how to assist others in times of loss. Cross-Listed:  PSYC 3303  , SOCI 3303  

  • FMLY 3403 - Issues of Contemporary Family

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A survey of problems that are faced within the context of the family system; The course examines the current evaluation of program research and treatment modalities.

    Prerequisites: FMLY 1503 .
  • FMLY 3503 - Parent-Child Relationship

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Contemporary issues about parenting, the roles of both parent and child and the interaction between parent and child throughout the life cycle. Various philosophies and techniques explored out of which individuals can devise their own comfortable, effective parenting style.

    Prerequisites: FMLY 1503 .
  • FMLY 3513 - Marriage

    Credits: 3

    A study of the factors involved in dating, courtship, and marriage. Emphasis is placed on the transition into marriage and the exploration of communication, sexuality, and finance.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • FMLY 3913 - Kinship and Family on Global Perspective

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A study of kinship and family, with attention given to diverse cultural and social contexts. Framed by historical and contemporary considerations, topics will include family origin and universality, marital and family structure, residence pattern, gender, relatedness, and social organization. Examples will be selected from among the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Oceania. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3913 , SOCI 3913 

  • FMLY 4203 - Human Sexuality

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Sexuality from sociological, psychological, and Christian perspectives, with emphasis on sex education and healthy interpersonal relationships.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • FMLY 4329 - Advanced Topics in Family Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    An advanced course in a selected area of Family Science. Not for Independent Study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • FMLY 4403 - Family Life Education

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A basic overview of the ingredients necessary for developing, implementing, and evaluating an adult education program. Students design a prototype program that addresses a particular family issue.

    Prerequisites: FMLY 1503  and FMLY 3513 .
  • FMLY 4909 - Practicum/Field Experience in Family Science

    Credits: 1 to 6

    Field placement under supervision providing experience in an off-campus site. Opportunity for experience and application of the major’s particular emphasis. Additional fee may be required.

    Prerequisites: FMLY 1503  and Instructor permission.
  • FMLY 4999 - Independent Study in Family Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for junior and seniors with at least a B average in Family Science or related area.

    Prerequisites: approval of dean and completion of an Independent Study form.


  • FIN 1999 - Topics in Finance

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of Finance. Not for independent study.

  • FIN 2403 - Personal Finance

    Credits: 3

    History of consumer problems and consumer related legislation; analysis of current trends in consumption; management of the individual’s financial affairs: budgeting, banking, use of credit, insurance, taxes, home ownership, investments, and estate planning.

  • FIN 2999 - Independent Study in Finance

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • FIN 3103 - Portfolio Management

    Credits: 3 Spring

    An examination of the theories and applications of portfolio selection and Markowitz diversification techniques. A comprehensive research project provides opportunity for relating the theoretical concepts and techniques of selecting stocks and bonds in a diversified portfolio to “real world” situations.

    Prerequisites: FIN 3403  or permission of instructor.
  • FIN 3403 - Introduction to Business Finance

    Credits: 3

    An introduction to the basic principles and concepts of financial management. It includes time value of money concepts, working capital management, ratio analysis and forecasting, financial planning, security valuation, capital budgeting, and alternative financing sources.

    Prerequisites: ECON 2013 , ECON 2023 , and MATH 1163  or higher.Corequisites: ACCT 2023  
  • FIN 3999 - Finance Internship

    Credits: 1 to 6

    A supervised and evaluated int ernship to supplement academic training with on-the-job training relevant to the student’s career goals.

    Prerequisites: FIN 3403 .
  • FIN 4053 - International Finance

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A study of financial practices and strategies peculiar to international operations and the environmental factors that affect decisions of financial managers of multi-national corporations. Fundamentals of foreign exchange markets, international capital markets, and risk management in international markets are considered.

    Prerequisites: ECON 2013  and ECON 2023 .
  • FIN 4329 - Advanced Topics in Finance

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of Finance. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • FIN 4453 - Financial Management

    Credits: 3 Spring

    An advanced course dealing with selected topics from the problem areas of Business Finance from the viewpoint of the financial administration of the individual firm. Emphasis on the development of tools and analytical techniques of financial administration; quantitative methods, some case studies, model building including computer simulation.

    Prerequisites: FIN 3403  and senior standing.
  • FIN 4553 - Investments

    Credits: 3 Fall

    An introduction to the various investment alternatives and security markets from the viewpoint of the individual investor, with emphasis on corporate stocks and bonds, federal and municipal bonds, stock rights, warrants, convertible securities, options, and futures. Topics include conventional securities analysis and portfolio selection; portfolio management and conditions of uncertainty; portfolio theory and applied technical analysis.

    Prerequisites: FIN 3403 
  • FIN 4999 - Independent Study in Finance

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in Finance.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.
  • FIN 5803 - Finance

    Credits: 3

    This course is a study of the numerous financial decisions confronting the modern corporation. Special consideration is given to the effective management of financial resources, financial analysis and planning, investments, capital budgeting, and capital structure issues.

Fine Arts

  • FNAR 2063 - Arts and Western Culture

    Credits: 3

    This course examines the development of the visual, musical, and theatrical arts through c. 1900 (with references to significant modern ideas), focusing primarily on western European idioms. Taught as a chronology, it closely relates works and ideas to philosophical, historical events, and sociological trends. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1163  (or HON 1113 ) and sophomore standing Not open to first-semester freshmen.
  • FNAR 2163 - Arts and Ideas

    Credits: 3

    This course explores ideas, concepts and unifying stylistic trends in non-western, modern, and postmodern arts (including visual, musical, and theatrical idioms.) Subjects include modern and postmodern aesthetics, commercial genres and venues, non-western socio-economic elements, and other constraints placed upon artistic creation in the twentieth- and twenty-first centuries. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1163  (or HON 1113 ) and sophomore standing Not open to first-semester freshmen.
  • FNAR 4982 - Fine Arts Capstone

    Credits: 2

    Students will work under the direction of a faculty advisor to design, complete, and present in a public format a project that demonstrates synthesis of all concepts covered through the Fine Arts degree. Students may work individually or collaboratively.

    Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of the instructor.


  • FREN 1313 - Beginning French Language and Culture I

    Credits: 3 Fall

    An introduction to the French language and culture. Language laboratory attendance required.

  • FREN 1323 - Beginning French Language and Culture II

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A continuation course at the elementary level.

    Prerequisites: FREN 1313 .
  • FREN 1999 - Topics in French

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of French. Not for independent study.

  • FREN 2313 - Intermediate French Language and Culture I

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A systematic review of French grammar with continuing development of language skills and study of French culture. Language laboratory attendance required.

    Prerequisites: FREN 1323 , or 2 or more years of high school (10-12 grade) French.
  • FREN 2323 - Intermediate French Language and Culture II

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A continuation of 2313 with emphasis on reading.

    Prerequisites: FREN 2313 .
  • FREN 2703 - French Conversational Skills

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    The primary emphasis will be upon developing further the student’s ability to use French in communication. Conversational practice may be based on short reading assignments, cultural topics, or situations encountered in everyday life, travel, and business.

    Prerequisites: FREN 1323  or equivalent skill.
  • FREN 2753 - French Reading Skills

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    A basic reading course designed to develop the student’s ability to comprehend texts in French from a variety of sources.

    Prerequisites: FREN 1323  or equivalent.
  • FREN 2999 - Independent Study in French

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • FREN 3063 - Conversation and Composition

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    Intensive training in communication skills based on topics of everyday life and readings of current interest. Emphasis on vocabulary building.

    Prerequisites: FREN 2323 .
  • FREN 3073 - Advanced Conversation and Grammar

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    Intensive training in communication skills based on topics of everyday life and readings of current interest. Emphasis on vocabulary building and review of advanced-level grammatical structures.

    Prerequisites: FREN 3063 .
  • FREN 3203 - French Culture

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    A thematic study of topics relevant to French culture and values. Classes are conducted in French. Emphasis on strengthening skills and cross-cultural analysis.

    Prerequisites: FREN 2323  or equivalent.
  • FREN 3213 - Francophone Culture

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    A thematic study of topics relevant to Francophone culture and values. Classes are conducted in French. Emphasis on strengthening conversational skills and cross-cultural analysis.

    Prerequisites: FREN 2323  or equivalent.
  • FREN 3913 - Advanced Grammar

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A study of grammar and composition.

    Prerequisites: FREN 3063 .
  • FREN 4043 - Survey of Civilization and Literature I

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A survey of French literature, history, art, and music from their beginnings through the 18th century with emphasis on the major literary works of this period. Classes are conducted in French.

    Prerequisites: FREN 3063 .
  • FREN 4053 - Survey of Civilization and Literature II

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    A survey of French literature, history, art, and music of the 19th and 20th centuries with emphasis on the major literary works of this period. Classes are conducted in French.

    Prerequisites: FREN 3063 .
  • FREN 4103 - Contemporary Perspectives

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    Advanced studies of current events in: media and the arts, societal institutions, family life, the business community, education, and other areas that may become the focus of significant public discussion in France and the Francophone cultures during the semester when the course is offered. Based primarily on current media and the Internet.

    Prerequisites: FREN 3063 .
  • FREN 4329 - Advanced Topics in French

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of French. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • FREN 4923 - Seminar in a Genre, Period or Movement

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    Advanced studies of the short story, drama, novel, poetry, the Medieval period or of a movement such as Romanticism, chosen each year according to the needs and interests of current students.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • FREN 4933 - Seminar in Modern and Popular Literature

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    Advanced studies of the detective novel, the Modern Literary Imagination, literature and film, science fiction or other special areas chosen each year according to the needs and interests of current students.

    Prerequisites: permission.
  • FREN 4999 - Independent Study in French

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in French.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.

General Education

  • GNED 1001 - Cornerstone in General Education

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is an introduction to university-level critical thinking and discourse. It is required of all incoming freshmen, and is designed to serve as a foundational experience. Selected disciplines offer discipline-specific courses for students in specific majors. Open to freshmen only.

  • GNED 1051 - Success 101

    Credits: 1

    This course supports first year students in transition from high school to college and is missioncentered with a focus on an in-depth orientation to the university community, development of skills necessary for academic success, and facilitation of community within the cohort.

  • GNED 1061 - Success 102

    Credits: 1

    A Strength’s based academic recovery course designed to help students examine past habits and experiences in an effort to modify their approach to their overall educational experience in an effort to improve scholarship, performance, and satisfaction. Students will participate in classroom discussion, develop and commit to a detailed personalized plan for personal and academic success, and build a team of support designed to mentor and encourage their endeavors.

    Prerequisites: not for first-semester freshmen.
  • GNED 1501 - Library Literacy

    Credits: 1

  • GNED 1649 - Bison Brigade Marching Band

    Credits: 0 to 1 Fall

    The Bison Brigade acts as ambassador for the university through performance on instruments and the marching arts. The ensemble is comprised of both music majors and non-music majors, and consists of woodwinds, brass, percussion, and color guard (flags). The Brigade rehearses four times per week and performs at all home football competitions as well as for select away games and campus events. Participation is based on past experience and informal audition. May be repeated for eight semesters. Additional fee required.

    Corequisites: MUCL 3422  
  • GNED 1751 - Introduction to Career Planning

    Credits: 1

    An introduction and study of the process of career planning including the approaches, phases, and steps involved in effective career planning. Explores the individual’s interests, abilities, and values and a survey of careers/occupations for an appropriate match. Designed to help students make career choices and select an appropriate major.

  • GNED 1999 - Topics in General Studies

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of General Studies. Not for independent study.

  • GNED 4329 - Advanced Topics in General Studies

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of General Studies. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • GNED 4991 - Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone

    Credits: 1

    Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone is an independent study facilitated by the student’s advisor to provide an opportunity for the student to demonstrate completion of the Interdisciplinary Studies student learning outcomes, and his or her own established educational goals. The course will be designed in accordance with the approved course template and will include both essays and oral presentations.

    Prerequisites: declared Interdisciplinary Studies major and senior standing.

General Science

  • GNSC 1001 - Computing for Science I

    Credits: 1 Fall

    This course covers the use of office packages, graphical line fitting, and experience with different operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS, and Windows. The use of the world wide web as a research and collaborative tool in science will also be covered. Additional fee required.

  • GNSC 1114 - Issues in Physical Science

    Credits: 4 Fall

    A survey for non-science majors of selected topics in the physical sciences such as planetary motion, mechanics, atomic theory, relativity, cosmology and astrobiology. Includes historical development, the scientific method, the relation of science to cultural context and contemporary issues. Will not satisfy the basic core science requirement for B.S. Degrees other than education, mathematics, computer science or exercise and sports science. Laboratory is required. Lab fee required.

  • GNSC 1124 - Issues in Biology

    Credits: 4 Spring

    A survey for non-science majors of selected topics in life sciences such as anatomy, physiology, genetics, paleontology, sociobiology, environmental and evolutionary biology. Includes historical development, the scientific method, the relation of science to cultural context and contemporary issues. Will not satisfy the basic core science requirement for B.S. Degrees other than education, mathematics, computer science or exercise and sports science. Laboratory is required. Lab fee required.

  • GNSC 1201 - Cornerstone of Science

    Credits: 1 Fall

    Seminar course designed to allow freshman science students and faculty members to discuss the relationship of liberal arts studies to the sciences and to consider together careers in science, challenges of academic integrity and ethical responsibility, the biology curriculum, topics of current interest, faculty and student research, and popular classics of science.

  • GNSC 1999 - Topics in General Science

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of General Science. Not for independent study. Additional fee may be required.

  • GNSC 2204 - Earth Science

    Credits: 4 Fall

    Study of characteristics and theories of the development of Earth and its neighbors in space. Includes geology, meteorology, and astronomy. Research projects provide experience in experimental design, collaboration, and inquiry-based investigation. Laboratory is required. Additional fee required. Note: Enrollment restricted to students with majors in elementary, early childhood, special education or those with an area of concentration or minor in natural science. This course will not substitute for GNSC 1114  or GNSC 1124 .

  • GNSC 2304 - Environmental Science

    Credits: 4 Spring

    Study of the relationships between living organisms and their environment. Includes basic ecology, food webs, populations, and current environmental issues. Research projects provide experience in experimental design, collaboration, and inquiry-based investigation. Laboratory is required. Additional fee required. Note: Enrollment is restricted to students with majors in elementary, early childhood, special education, or those with an area of concentration or minor in natural science. This course will not substitute for GNSC 1114  or GNSC 1124 .

  • GNSC 2501 - Planetarium Operations

    Credits: 1

    A special laboratory course in which students plan, produce and present planetarium shows. This opportunity for hands-on experience in astronomy, educational principles and multi-media technologies, as well as fine arts and communication skills, offers benefit to a variety of careers.

  • GNSC 2999 - Independent Study in General Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • GNSC 3102 - History of Science

    Credits: 2 Spring, Odd

    History of science with emphasis on the development of physics from classical through modern physics and the historical development of chemistry and biology to the present.

  • GNSC 3123 - History and Philosophy of Science through Newton

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    An introduction to major issues in the philosophy of science with an emphasis on critical episodes in the historical development of science through Newton.

  • GNSC 3301 - Computing for Science II

    Credits: 1 Spring

    This course covers computer hardware and advanced scientific computing applications. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: A grade of “S” in GNSC 1001 .
  • GNSC 4113 - Cosmology and Cultures

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Historical development of selected scientific concepts such as planetary motion, mechanics, heat, light, atomic and quantum theory, relativity, ecosystems, evolution, and molecular biology. Emphasis primarily on the physical sciences. Laboratory is required as well as additional lab work that culminates in a senior project. Additional fee required.

  • GNSC 4329 - Advanced Topics in General Science

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of General Science. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • GNSC 4951 - Science Capstone

    Credits: 1 Spring

    Seminar course designed to allow senior science students to reflect on the sum of their undergraduate science experiences, prepare for entrance into future scientific endeavors, contemplate the integration of faith and science, and to demonstrate competency in the application of knowledge and skills acquired through completion of an independent research project. Students are required to take a major field test in their discipline and complete an exit interview with the chair of the division. Additional fee required.

  • GNSC 4999 - Independent Study in General Science

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in General Science.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.


  • GRMN 1313 - Beginning German Language and Culture I

    Credits: 3 Fall

    An introduction to the German language and culture. Language laboratory attendance required.

  • GRMN 1323 - Beginning German Language and Culture II

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A continuation course at the elementary level.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 1313 .
  • GRMN 1999 - Topics in German

    Credits: 1 to 4

    A lower-level course in a selected area of German. Not for independent study.

  • GRMN 2313 - Intermediate German Language and Culture I

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A systematic review of German grammar with continuing development of language skills and study of German culture. Language laboratory attendance required.

    Prerequisites: one year of college German or equivalent.
  • GRMN 2323 - Intermediate German Language and Culture II

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A continuation of 2313 with emphasis on reading.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 2313 .

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