2023-2024 Academic Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2023-2024 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Courses Listing



  • GRMN 2413 - German For Travel and Cross-Cultural Ministry

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    The primary emphasis will be upon developing further the student’s ability to use German in communication. Conversational practice may be based on short reading assignments, cultural topics, or situations encountered in everyday life, travel, and cross-cultural ministry.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 1323  or equivalent skill.
  • GRMN 2703 - Germany, Austria and Switzerland Today

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of important aspects of contemporary life in the German-speaking countries of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Topics may include travel, business, cultural life, and economic, political, and social issues. Classes are conducted in English. German minors will complete part of their assignments in German and will meet periodically for a German discussion group.

  • GRMN 2999 - Independent Study in German

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of 2999 Independent Study form.
  • GRMN 3063 - Conversation and Composition

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    Intensive training in conversational skills on topics of everyday life and of current interest. Introduction to theme writing. Practice in advanced-level grammatical structures.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 2323 .
  • GRMN 3073 - Advanced Conversation and Composition

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    Conversation and theme writing based on readings from German prose, poetry, drama, history, civilization, science and politics. Emphasis on vocabulary building, use of idiomatic expressions, literary analysis and development of style.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 3063 .
  • GRMN 3203 - German, Austrian and Swiss Cultures

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A thematic study of topics relevant to the cultures and values of the people of Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Classes are conducted in German. Emphasis on strengthening cultural and crosscultural analysis, language skills and individual research.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 2323 .
  • GRMN 3503 - German for Business

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    An introduction to the spoken and written language of business in German-speaking countries. Current commercial affairs of these counties (and the EU indirectly) will supplement an emphasis on business correspondence and related oral proficiency.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 2323  or equivalent skill.
  • GRMN 3523 - Modern Germany since 1618

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    A survey of the history of Germany from the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) to the present, with special attention to culture and politics. The course focuses on the development of a unified German State and its political, social, cultural, and intellectual effects; the growth and decline of the Holy Roman Empire; the origins and implications of German unification under Prussian leadership; the structure and ideology of Nazi Germany; the problems of a divided Germany after World War II; and prospects for the newly reunited Germany. Cross-Listed: HIST 3523  

  • GRMN 4043 - Survey of Civilization and Literature I

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of German literature, history, art, and music from their beginnings through the Romantic period with emphasis on the major literary works of the different periods. Classes are conducted in German.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 3063 .
  • GRMN 4053 - Survey of Civilization and Literature II

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of German literature, history, art, and music from Realism to the present with emphasis on the major literary works of the different periods. Classes are conducted in German.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 3063 .
  • GRMN 4329 - Advanced Topics in German

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of German. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: junior standing.
  • GRMN 4503 - Seminar in a Genre, Period or Movement

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    Advanced studies of the short story, drama, novel, poetry or a specific period such as fin-de-siecle Vienna, chosen each year according to the needs and interests of current students.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 3063 .
  • GRMN 4913 - Advanced Grammar

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of grammar and composition.

    Prerequisites: GRMN 3063 .
  • GRMN 4999 - Independent Study in German

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in German.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean.


  • HIST 1003 - History of Sports

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    This course examines the history of sports in the West from the Ancient World to the present. It pays particular attention to sports history in the United States during the 20th century. It uses a case study approach to analyze the social, legal, political, and cultural developments related to sports during these periods.

  • HIST 1013 - United States History to 1877

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A survey of United States history and the development of society, culture, and political institutions from the pre-European era through the colonial, revolutionary, and national periods to the Civil War and Reconstruction.

  • HIST 1023 - United States History since 1877

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A survey of United States history from Reconstruction to the present, emphasizing the continued development of culture and society, the growth of federal authority, and the emergence and place of the United States as a world power.

  • HIST 1999 - Topics in History

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of history. Not for independent study.

  • HIST 2013 - European Civilization: History

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Survey of the major aspects of the development of European culture from the Roman Empire through the American Revolution. Taught in conjunction with ENGL 2013  European Civilization: Literature. Additional fee required.

  • HIST 2023 - Modern West: History

    Credits: 3 Spring

    Continuation of European Civilization; survey of major aspects of the development of contemporary civilization from the French Revolution to the present. Taught in conjunction with ENGL 2023  Modern West: Literature. Additional fee required.

  • HIST 2033 - World Civilizations: History

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    Survey of major aspects of the development of world civilizations from their classical formulations to the present. Taught in conjunction with ENGL 2033  World Civilizations: Literature.

  • HIST 2193 - Introductory Geography

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Introduction to the basic concepts, methods, and subfields of geography; primary emphasis is placed upon physical and locational analysis and the cultural impacts of physical and locational factors. This course will not count towards the fulfillment of the history major or minor.

  • HIST 2999 - Independent Study in History

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • HIST 3023 - History of American Families and Children

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    This course examines the history of American families and children. It focuses on the practices of courtship/dating, marriage, motherhood and fatherhood, childhood, adolescence, recreation, fostering, adoption, and death and dying between the 1600s and the early 2000s.

  • HIST 3033 - History of Crime

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    This course examines the history of crime, criminals, detectives, prisons, important trials, and unsolved crimes in the West, paying particular attention to the period between the 1800s and the early 2000s. It uses a case study approach to analyze the legal, political, and social/cultural developments related to crime and punishment.

  • HIST 3043 - World War II & the Holocaust

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    This course examines the history of the World War II and the Holocaust between 1939 and 1945. It also explores the military and geopolitical developments during the interwar period, as well as the daily experiences of civilians and Holocaust victims during the wars.

  • HIST 3103 - Modern Russia: Culture and Politics

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    An examination of the growth and development of modern Russia from the era of the Great Reforms (1861) to the present with special attention to culture and politics. The course focuses on the development of Russia and its political, social, cultural, and intellectual effects; the rise and fall of the Russian Empire; the rise and fall of the Soviet Union; and the development of current political and cultural conflicts in Russia and the other CIS countries. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3103 , POLI 3103  

  • HIST 3113 - Middle East: Culture and Politics

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A survey of Middle Eastern history from Muhammad to the present, with special attention to politics and culture. The course focuses on the development of Islam and its political, social, cultural, and intellectual effects; the rise and decline of the caliphate; the rise and decline of gunpowder states during the early modern period; the origins of modern Middle Eastern nationalism; and the development of current political and cultural conflicts in the region. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3113 , POLI 3113  

  • HIST 3123 - East Asia: Culture and Politics

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    This course examines the modern history of East Asia, including the evolving cultural and political influence of China in the region; China’s rise as an international commercial power; the growing independence and cultural development of Japan during the Tokugawa era; the response of China, Japan, and Korea to growing western intrusions; the evolution of modern governments in response to industrial and political pressure; and the rise of East Asian economies in the late twentieth century. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3123 , POLI 3123  

  • HIST 3133 - Native America: Culture and Politics

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of Native America from ancient past to contemporary present, with special attention to the cultural and political dimensions of indigenous peoples in North America.  The relationship of Native America to the joint development of museums and anthropology will also be addressed. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3133 , POLI 3133  

  • HIST 3163 - Women’s History

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    This course will examine the role and impact of women in history, considering their place in the West beginning around 1500 with the Protestant Reformation and going to the present.

  • HIST 3173 - Empire Building in Eurasia: Russian History to 1861

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    An examination of the growth and development of medieval and early modern Russia from its origins in Kievan Rus’ to the Great Reforms. Special attention will be given to Russian contact and conflict with the peoples of Siberia and Central Asia as Russia expanded its territory east and south. The coming of Orthodoxy and its expansion along with the growth of the Russian state will also be central to the course.

  • HIST 3223 - Public History

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    This course is designed to introduce students to the theory, methods, and practice of history outside the classroom. Students will explore the ways historians research, preserve, and present historical topics to public audiences through museums, archives, interpreters, documentaries, and through electronic media. Cross-Listed: ANTH 3223 , POLI 3223 

  • HIST 3273 - Oklahoma History

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A survey of the history of Oklahoma, emphasizing regional distinctions and the importance of community development.

  • HIST 3413 - Ancient Rome, 800 B.C.- A.D. 500

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of Rome from its origins as a village to its decline as an empire, including the early evolution of the Republic, the development of Roman social structure, the effects of Mediterranean expansion, the establishment of the Empire, and the Empire’s mature influence.

  • HIST 3423 - Medieval Europe, 500-1300

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of important political, social, economic, cultural, and intellectual trends during the European Middle Ages, including the rise of the Church and papal government, the growth of feudalism, the establishment of early states, the establishment of towns and the spread of commerce, and the revival of classical learning.

  • HIST 3463 - Modern Europe, 1815-Present

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course will trace the evolution of European societies and politics during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, with an emphasis upon the collective identity of Europe in the world. It will begin with a discussion of the diplomatic structure established after the Napoleonic wars, tracing the impact of industrialization, international migration, imperialism, and socialist doctrines upon nineteenth-century Europe. The failure of liberal politics in the coming of the Great War and the rise and fall of communism and fascism will provide a framework for the discussion of modern relativism, and the reemergence of European economic power.

  • HIST 3503 - Early Britain to 1603

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A survey of British cultural, social, economic, political, and religious history from the Roman conquest to the death of Queen Elizabeth I.

  • HIST 3513 - Modern Britain since 1603

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    A survey of British history from the beginning of the Stuart dynasty to the present, emphasizing the development of constitutional monarchy and democracy, the transformation of the British economy, the expansion of the British global influence, and the reformulation of British identity during the twentieth century.

  • HIST 3523 - Modern Germany since 1618

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    A survey of the history of Germany from the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) to the present with special attention to culture and politics. The course focuses on the development of a unified German state and its political, social, cultural, and intellectual effects; the growth and decline of the Holy Roman Empire; the origins and implications of German unification under Prussian leadership; the structure and ideology of Nazi Germany; the problems of a divided Germany after World War II; and prospects for the newly reunited Germany. Cross-Listed: GRMN 3523  

  • HIST 3999 - Public History Internship

    Credits: 1 to 3 On Demand

    A supervised work experience in an archives, a museum, or a local, regional, or national historical society or site. Emphasis on developing practical research skills, the ability to analyze archival and other evidence, and the public presentation of findings.

    Prerequisites: Permission
  • HIST 4203 - Colonial and Early National U.S. History

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the beginnings of the U.S., 1607-1801. Emphasis will be placed on the developments of the 17th and 18th centuries which helped shape the colonies into a nation.

  • HIST 4213 - The Young Republic, 1800-1848

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the early years of the United States as a republic. It will review the age of Jefferson, Madison, Jackson, Clay, Calhoun, and Webster through a biographical approach.

  • HIST 4223 - Civil War and Reconstruction: U.S. 1848-1877

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    A study of the U.S. during the Civil War era, with emphasis on the causes and course of the war and the impact of Reconstruction on both the North and South. Special attention will be given to historical interpretations of the period.

  • HIST 4233 - Response to Industrialism: U.S. 1877-1932

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the U.S. as the nation industrialized and its people adjusted to the resulting changes. Progressive reform, the rural-urban conflict, and early responses to the Great Depression will receive particular attention.

  • HIST 4243 - United States History: 1932 to Present

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    The U.S. from the New Deal to the present. A close examination of the impact of New Deal reforms, the ensuing growth of the federal government, and the emergence of the nation as a world power. American foreign policy in the Cold War will be a particular focus.

  • HIST 4329 - Advanced Topics in History

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of history. Not for independent study. Not for independent study.

  • HIST 4999 - Independent Study in History

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for juniors and seniors with at least a B average in history.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.

History and Theology

  • HTHE 1999 - Topics in History and Theology

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    A lower-level course in a selected area of history and theology. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: BIBL 1023  and either BIBL 1013  or [REL 1013 (HON 1013 ) and REL 1023 (HON 2143 )] with grades of “C” or better.
  • HTHE 2613 - History and Doctrine I

    Credits: 3 Fall

    This course serves as an introduction to church history and theology from the Apostolic Fathers through the Late Medieval period. Focus will be on introducing the major categories of systematic theology and their development in historical contexts.

  • HTHE 2999 - Independent Study in History and Theology

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 2999 Independent Study form.
  • HTHE 3613 - Baptist History and Theology

    Credits: 3

    A study of the history and theology of Baptists from their 17th century origins to the present with primary emphasis on developments in England and North America.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623  with a grade of “C” or better.
  • HTHE 3623 - History and Doctrine II

    Credits: 3 Spring

    This course serves as an introduction to church history and theology from the Reformation period through the present. Focus will be on introducing the major categories of systematic theology and their development in historical contexts.

  • HTHE 3633 - Theological Method

    Credits: 3 Fall

    This course will survey various methods in systematic theology, introduce the theological and philosophical foundations required for Christian theological method, and prepare the student to construct their own theological method.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 3643 - The Trinity in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity, with special focus on the fourth century. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as the key terms and categories, for the doctrine of the Trinity.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 3653 - Christology in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrine of Christology, with special focus on the fourth and fifth centuries. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories for the doctrine of Christology.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 3663 - Creation and Providence in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrines of creation and providence. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories, for the doctrines of creation and providence.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 3673 - Moral Theology

    Credits: 3 Fall

    The course serves as an introduction to Moral Theology and is specifically designed to acquaint with the tradition of protestant moral theology. This course will cover the history of Moral Theology and also specific basic moral notions such as: conscience, freedom, law, values, norms, natural law, and various topics in applied ethics. The basic connection between Moral Theology, scripture, and theological tradition will also be explained, as well as how Moral Theology relates to other theological disciplines.

  • HTHE 3813 - Problem of Evil

    Credits: 3 Fall. Even

    The presence of evil and suffering in the world poses both a philosophical and personal challenge to a Christian worldview. We will examine the nature and causes of evil and suffering, the intelligibility of the Christian concept of God in light of evil, and an assortment of philosophical and apologetic responses to the problem at hand. The course will also examine various non-Christian responses to suffering, particularly the response of contemporary atheism. We will conclude with an examination of how the life, ministry, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ transforms the Christian’s encounter with evil and suffering. Cross-Listed: PHIL 3813  

  • HTHE 4329 - Advanced Topics in History and Theology

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    An advanced course in a selected area of history and theology. Not for independent study.

    Prerequisites: BIBL 1023  and either BIBL 1013  or [REL 1013 (or HON 1013 ) and REL 1023 (HON 2143 )] with a grade of “C” or better.
  • HTHE 4613 - Pneumatology and Soteriology in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Fall, Even

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrines of pneumatology and soteriology, with special focus on the fifth century for the former and the sixteenth century for the latter. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories, for the doctrines of pneumatology and soteriology.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 4623 - Ecclesiology in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Spring, Odd

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrine of ecclesiology, with special focus on the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories, for the doctrine of ecclesiology.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 4633 - Theological Anthropology in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Fall, Odd

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrine of anthropology, with special focus on the eighteenth century to the present. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories, for the doctrine of anthropology.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 4643 - Eschatology in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This course will survey the historical understanding of the doctrine of eschatology, with special focus on the nineteenth century to the present. It will also introduce the biblical, theological and philosophical rationale, as well as key terms and categories, for the doctrine of eschatology.

    Prerequisites: HTHE 2613  or HTHE 3623 .
  • HTHE 4813 - Postmodernity in Christian Thought

    Credits: 3 On Demand

    A study of the philosophical foundations, cultural impact, and theological significance of postmodern thought. The works of a variety of thinkers will be examined, including those representing atheistic postmodernism, such as Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Richard Rorty, and others representing Jewish and Christian postmodernism, such as Emmanuel Levinas, Jean-Luc Marion, and Jean-Louis Chrétien. Cross-Listed: PHIL 4813  

  • HTHE 4999 - Independent Study in History and Theology

    Credits: 1 to 4

    Independent study for students who have completed a minimum of 24 hours with an overall B average.

    Prerequisites: approval of the dean and the completion of a 4999 Independent Study form.


  • HON 1013 - The Ancient World: Religious Texts and History

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A study of the foundations of Western civilization in the ancient near eastern and Mediterranean cultures, with particular emphasis on the Old Testament; the Homeric epics; and the politics, literature, and philosophy of the Athenians.

  • HON 1113 - The Ancient World: Composition and Literature

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A study of the foundations of Western civilization in the ancient near eastern and Mediterranean cultures, with particular emphasis on the Old Testament; the Homeric epics; and the politics, literature and philosophy of the Athenians.

  • HON 2043 - The Classical World: Religious Texts and History

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A study of the Roman world from the early Republic through the collapse of the Empire, including emphasis on the life of Christ, the ministry of the apostles, and the early church. Key texts include Virgil’s ‘Aeneid’, the New Testament, and the writings of Augustine.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  and HON 1113 .
  • HON 2063 - Honors Arts and Western Culture

    Credits: 3 Fall

    This course examines the development of the visual, musical, and theatrical arts through c. 1900 (with references to significant modern ideas), focusing primarily on western European idioms. It closely relates works and ideas to philosophical, historical events, and sociological trends. This course serves as a platform for discussions in arts and aesthetics for students enrolled in the OBU Honors Program.

    Prerequisites: HON 1113   or equivalent and sophomore standing in the OBU Honors Program.
  • HON 2119 - Colloquium in Humanities

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in the humanities. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2143 - The Classical World: Composition and Literature

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A study of the Roman world from the early Republic through the collapse of the Empire, including emphasis on the life of Christ, the ministry of the apostles, and the early church. Key texts include Virgil’s Aeneid, the New Testament, and the writings of Augustine.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  and HON 1113 .
  • HON 2219 - Colloquium in Fine Arts

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in the fine arts. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2319 - Colloquium in Business

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in business. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2419 - Colloquium in Life Sciences

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in the life sciences. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2519 - Colloquium in Social Studies

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in the social sciences. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2543 - The Medieval and Early Modern World: Fine Arts and Literature

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A study of European culture between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the onset of the Renaissance, with particular emphasis on the Christian civilization of the High Middle Ages. Key texts include Aquinas’ Summa Theologica and Dante’s Divine Comedy. A study of the twin movements that birth the modern world, with emphasis on developments in politics, theology, and the arts. Particular attention will be given to Renaissance humanism and to the works of Luther, Calvin, and Shakespeare.

    Prerequisites: HON 2043  and HON 2143 .
  • HON 2619 - Colloquium in Mathematics / Physical Sciences

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in mathematics and the physical sciences. It is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  or permission of the instructor.
  • HON 2643 - The Medieval and Early Modern World: History and Religion

    Credits: 3 Fall

    A study of European culture between the collapse of the Roman Empire and the onset of the Renaissance, with particular emphasis on the Christian civilization of the High Middle Ages. Key texts include Aquinas’ Summa Theologica and Dante’s Divine Comedy. A study of the twin movements that birth the modern world, with emphasis on developments in politics, theology, and the arts. Particular attention will be given to Renaissance humanism and to the works of Luther, Calvin, and Shakespeare.

    Prerequisites: HON 2043  and HON 2143 .
  • HON 2719 - Colloquium in Theology / Ministry

    Credits: 0 to 1

    This course is a reading-discussion-activity seminar focusing on a topic in theology and/or ministry. The course is intended to provide intensive study or experience on a narrow topic.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013 .
  • HON 3013 - The Modern World: Ethics and Theology

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A study of the distinctively modern conception of reason arising in the eighteenth century and of the subsequent challenges to that conception. Topics include the scientific revolution, the philosophies, the American and French revolutions, liberalism and its discontents, and Romantic literature. A study of the modern world and of today, including developments in literary modernism, positivist and existentialist philosophies, international conflict, post-colonialism, postmodern thought and Christian responses.

    Prerequisites: HON 2543  and HON 2643 .
  • HON 3073 - Honors Biblical Ethics

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A study of the major ethical teachings of the Bible with attention to their practical and contemporary application. Addresses the theme of Christian responsibility in today’s world, based on the premise that Biblical interpretation is not complete until the teachings of the Bible inform the life situation of the student. This course will also serve as a vehicle for Honors seminar discussions.

    Prerequisites: sophomore standing in the Honors Program.
  • HON 3113 - The Modern World: History and Literature

    Credits: 3 Spring

    A study of the distinctively modern conception of reason arising in the eighteenth century and of the subsequent challenges to that conception. Topics include the scientific revolution, the philosophies, the American and French revolutions, liberalism and its discontents, and Romantic literature. A study of the modern world and of today, including developments in literary modernism, positivist and existentialist philosophies, international conflict, post colonialism, postmodern thought, and Christian responses.

    Prerequisites: HON 2543  and HON 2643 .
  • HON 3779 - Contracted Studies

    Credits: 1 to 2

    Arranged special study in the student’s major or minor area. Details of the project are to be determined in consultation with the faculty member and the Director of the Honors Program. Additional fee if lab required.

  • HON 4609 - Great Books Capstone Reading

    Credits: 0-3

    Directed reading of an approved list of great books, culminating in an oral exam. The reading list will be created in collaboration with the Honors Program director and with Honors Program faculty and must be approved by the Honors director prior to enrollment. A passing grade on the oral examination will count as a capstone for graduating with honors.

    Prerequisites: HON 1013  HON 1113  HON 2043  HON 2143  HON 2543  HON 2643  HON 3013  
  • HON 4770 - Honors Service Practicum

    Credits: 0 On Demand

    Arranged supervised activities to fulfill the service option of the Honors Program curriculum; includes participation in service-related seminar discussions and a written assessment. Course will be graded pass/fail.

    Prerequisites: approval of the Director of the Honors Program.
  • HON 4889 - Honors Study Abroad

    Credits: 0 to 3 On Demand

    Arranged study and/or travel abroad and a written assessment of the travel/ study experience. Course will be graded pass/fail.

    Prerequisites: approval of the director of the Honors Program.
  • HON 4993 - Honors Thesis

    Credits: 3

    Preparation of the Honors Thesis for approval of faculty advisor and presentation to university community.

Intercultural Studies

  • INTC 6513 - Theology and Philosophy of Mission

    Credits: 3

    An examination of foundational components of a biblical and theological understanding of mission, to include the nature of God, the Gospel, and the Church in mission. The course will present biblical principles for the development of a theology and philosophy of mission, examine contemporary theologies and philosophies of mission and consider how to develop and apply a theology and philosophy of mission.

  • INTC 6523 - Intercultural Communication

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the principles and methods of communication between diverse cultures. The course will examine the various elements involved with individuals, groups, organizations, and the larger societal units as they communicate in an intercultural context. Some attention will be given to the dynamics of leadership relationships inter-culturally.

  • INTC 6533 - Ethnographic Research

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine the biblical concepts of people groups. In this course, learners will utilize social science models of research methodology, and will develop individual ethnographic interview skills. Cultural factors such as kinship, rituals and religion, and social segmentation will be explored. This course includes the development and application of a contextualized ministry based people group profile that identifies cultural, social, religious, and demographic factors.

  • INTC 6543 - International Church Planting

    Credits: 3

    An examination of the Biblical principles and the process of church planting with application to missions in the 21st century and particularly in varied cultural contexts. Special consideration will be given to the examination of the methods for effectively communicating the Biblical message and meaning to various people groups and in various contexts, and an examination of how to appropriately express the Christian life and important church and mission practices in varied cultural contexts.

  • INTC 6553 - Contemporary Missiology and Intercultural Contexts

    Credits: 3

    This course will examine the current philosophical and methodological issues in contemporary missiology, and how they are affected by various factors like religious pluralism, urbanization, globalization, religious extremism, new technologies, creative access, changing demographics, and Majority World Christians and varied cultural contexts.

  • INTC 6563 - World Religions and Non-Christian Worldviews

    Credits: 3

    This course will present the content and practice of both major world religions and smaller religious groups that hold significant contemporary importance, including an analysis of the worldview of each.

Journalism and Mass Communication

  • JMAS 1153 - Introduction to Media and Film Technology

    Credits: 3 Fall

    This course provides students with a fundamental understanding of tools and techniques involved in audio and video production. Students will learn how to integrate these skills and technologies into various disciplines in order to be a more effective communicator. Additional fee required.

  • JMAS 1203 - Audio Production

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    Students will learn the fundamentals of basic audio production and design including techniques for using microphones, recorders and other audio facets. Students will learn these crafts through various projects and participatory tasks. Additional fee required.

  • JMAS 1303 - Pre-Production

    Credits: 3 Spring, Even

    This foundational course presents an overview of the real-world aspects of producing as practiced in various sectors of film entertainment from script development and budgeting, to production and marketing.

  • JMAS 1999 - Topics in Journalism and Mass Communications

    Credits: 1 to 4 On Demand

    This is a lower-level course in a selected area of journalism or media production. This course is not designed as an independent study. Additional fee required.

  • JMAS 2053 - News Writing

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Students will learn news story construction from simple leads to complete, accurate, complex stories, typically written from a specified set of facts. Participants will also learn basic column writing, as well as editorials, reviews, broadcast scripts, and portfolio production.

  • JMAS 2143 - Introduction to Broadcast Journalism

    Credits: 3 Fall

    Introduction to the field of broadcast journalism and the various roles, which includes study and practice in writing, reporting, producing and interviewing fundamentals for radio and television news stories. This class will include alternative storytelling involving blogs, podcasts, and vlogs. Additional fee required.

    Prerequisites: JMAS 1153 .

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