Tuition and Fees (2024-2025 Rates)
All charges are subject to change at the beginning of any semester or term.
Undergraduate Tuition
Full-Time Students |
12-16 credit hours fall or spring semester (per semester) |
$ 15,850.00 |
Hours above 16 credit hours (per credit hour) |
872.00 |
Part-Time Students |
Fewer than 12 hours (per credit hour) |
1,030.00 |
Winter/Summer Term***(per credit hour) |
350.00 |
Undergraduate Fees (Per Semester)
Enrollment Fees |
**Student Services Fee (6 or more hours) |
$ 1,425.00 |
Summer (3 or more hours)*** |
190.00 |
Student Life Fee (6 or more hours) |
60.00 |
Technology Fee (6 or more hours) |
450.00 |
Summer (3 or more hours)*** |
120.00 |
** The Student Services Fee partially funds the operations of departments related to student services. These include:
- Mabee Learning Center (library, listening center, media center);
- Student Services (career planning and placement, testing, special services);
- Recreation and Wellness Center (RAWC);
- Campus Police;
- Yahnseh yearbook and OBU Bison newspaper;
- Recreational Facilities.
***Summer term tuition and fees published in this catalog reflect charges for Summer 2024.
Special Fees
Arranged Course (per course) |
150.00 |
Course Credit By Examination (per hour) (does not apply to CLEP) |
150.00 |
New Student Fee |
60.00 |
Undergraduate Graduation Fee (including diploma and graduation events) |
50.00 |
Late Registration Fee |
50.00 |
Payment Plan Late Fee |
23.00 |
Returned Payment Fee |
25.00 |
International Studies Course Fees |
based on cost |
Finance Fee on Overdue Accounts |
15% APR |
Dormant Account Fee |
25.00 |
State-dated Check Fee |
25.00 |
International Student Application Fee |
75.00 |
Course-Related Fees
Dickinson School of Business
SALLT (per semester) |
25.00 |
Org Strat-ETS field test MGMT 4903 |
33.00 |
Intro to Business BSAD 1113 |
20.00 |
Certification Exams (CIS 3813, CIS 3823) |
50.00 |
Angell School of Visual and Performing Arts
Division of Music
Humanities (FNAR 2063, 2163, HON 2063) |
5.00 |
1 credit hour of private applied instruction (equivalent to a weekly, 30 minute lesson) |
200.00 |
2-3 credit hours of private applied instruction (equivalent to a weekly, 60-minute lesson) |
400.00 |
Class lessons |
110.00 |
Theory Fee (per course) MUCL 1012, 1122, 1142, 2122, 2142 |
40.00 |
Instrumental Music Repair Fee (MUCL 2862) |
30.00 |
Choral/Vocal Literature For Music Ed, Materials Fee (MUCL 4462) |
20.00 |
Music Ed PPAT Fee (MUCL 4462) |
300.00 |
National Association for Music Educators (per semester) (MUCL 1040) |
50.00 |
Worship Studies Forum (per semester) (MUCL 1060) |
20.00 |
Symphonic Winds (per semester) (MUPR 1659) |
50.00 |
Bison Jazz Orchestra (per semester) (MUPR 1679) |
25.00 |
University Ringers (per semester) (MUPR 1749) |
25.00 |
Division of Art and Design
Art Materials Fees - ART 1113, 1133, 1999*, 2203, 2323, 3163, 3253, 4259 (per course) |
30.00 |
Art Materials Fees - ART 2313, 3173, 3319, 3453 (per course) |
55.00 |
Advertising Design Fee - ART 3793, 4793 (per course) |
75.00 |
Division of Communication Arts
Media Equipment Replacement Fee - JMAS 1153, 1203, 1999*, 2733, 2961, 2999*, 3063, 3123, 3483, 3903, 4063, 4073, 4203, 4999* (per hour) |
25.00 |
Newspaper Production Fee - JMAS 2971 |
25.00 |
Yearbook Production Fee - JMAS 2981 |
25.00 |
Scenery and Props - THEA 1513 |
100.00 |
Lighting and Sound - THEA 2523 |
50.00 |
Costume, Hair, and Makeup - THEA 2603 |
100.00 |
*Fee may not be required or fee may be less than stated for topic courses.
Division of Exercise Science, Sports, and Recreation
Internship/Practicum Fee (per course) EXSC 2049, 2059, 2089, 3049, 4099; SAR 2079, 2439, 4769, 4779, 4789, 4799 |
5.00 |
Certification Program Fee (SAR 1013, 1483, 1622, 3152, 3243, 3503, 3903, 4403) |
100.00 |
Survey of Outdoor Recreation (SAR 2252) |
100.00 |
Ropes Course Instructor (SAR 4022) |
40.00 |
Backpacking and Camping (SAR 2353) |
150.00 |
Outdoor Education (SAR 3403) |
75.00 |
Rock Climbing (PHED 1051, 1451, SAR 1051, 1451) |
50.00 |
Equipment Fee (PHED 1351) |
25.00 |
First Aid/CPR (EXSC 1101) |
50.00 |
Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries (EXSC 1723) |
30.00 |
Professional Certification (ACSM/NSCA) (EXSC 4109) |
500.00 |
Functional Anatomy (EXSC 1534) |
150.00 |
Exercise Physiology Fee (EXSC 3504, 3804) |
200.00 |
Clinical Exercise Physiology Fee (EXSC 4804) |
250.00 |
School of Education
Student Teaching Fee (assessed for professional semester) ECED 4448, EDUC 4538, 4635 ELED 4438, 4465 MUCL 4435, 4445 SPED 4438 |
100.00 |
PPAT Fee (EDUC 4743, MUCL 4462) |
300.00 |
Art and Music for Children Fee (ECED 3602) |
20.00 |
Methods for Social Studies (ELED 4123) |
100.00 |
Cornerstone Course Fee (EDUC 1051) |
10.00 |
Reading/Assessment Fee (ELED L4233) |
35.00 |
Science Methods Fee (ECED 4703) |
20.00 |
Science Methods Fee (ELED 4203) |
30.00 |
Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences
Western Civilization Fee (HIST 2013, 2023) |
12.00 |
School of Nursing
Application Fee |
45.00 |
Nursing Tracking Fee (per hour) NURS 1101, 1153, 1999, 2013, 2213, 2999, 3012, 3173, 3194, 3222, 3302, 3434, 3859, 4043, 4133, 4143, 4252, 4329, 4403, 4512, 4601, 4999 |
12.00 |
Nursing Professional Liability Insurance Fee (per course) NURS 3012, 4133 |
18.00 |
Nursing Equipment Fee (per course) |
NURS 3294 |
60.00 |
NURS 3012 |
80.00 |
Nursing Practicum (per hour) NURS 3294, 3444, 3823, 3859, 3983, 4213, 4224, 4243, 4282, 4393, 4482, 4563, 4803, 4859 |
145.00 |
Nursing Lab Fee (per hour) NURS 3294, 3444, 3823, 4213, 4224, 4243, 4393, 4563 |
40.00 |
Nursing Testing Fee (per course): |
NURS 3222, 3302, 4043, 4133 |
485.00 |
Hurley Division of Science and Mathematics
Anatomy/Physiology Fee (BIOL 2354, 2364) |
100.00 |
Laboratory Breakage Fee |
Cost |
Topics Course Fee (BIOL 1304, 2054) |
25.00 |
Science Equipment Replacement Fee (per course, |
BIOL 1999*, CHEM 1999*, PHYS 1999*, GNSC 1999* |
100.00 |
BIOL 2034, 2044, 2504, 2999*, 3014, 3034, 3274, 4014, 4021, 4044, 4104, 4329*, 4999* |
100.00 |
CHEM 1054, 1063, 1105, 1115, 1124**, 1214, 2999*, 3034, 3054, 3104, 3114, 4114, 4124, 4504, 4603, 4652 |
100.00 |
PHYS 2414, 2424, 2515, 2525, 2999*, 3154, 3164, 4013, 4023, 4114, 4344, 4999* |
100.00 |
PHYS 2214 |
75.00 |
GNSC 1114, 1124, 2204, 2304, 4113, 4951 |
100.00 |
Engineering Lab Fee (per course) ENGR 1103, 2313, 2603, 3202, 3303, 3413, 3433, 3503, 3513, 3523, 3633, 4413, 4952, 4962 |
100.00 |
ENGR 3202 Exam Fee |
258.00 |
*Fee may not be required or fee may be less than stated for topic courses.
**When offered online, the fee will be $25.
HON 2063 |
5.00 |
Honors Lab Fee (HON 3779) |
Fee based upon discipline |
HON 2419 |
Fee based on topic |
Tuition for Special Students
Senior Citizen (per hour) |
40.00 |
The Senior Citizen tuition rate applies to non-degree seeking students 65 or older for a maximum of six hours per semester. Student Services Fee and any special fees must also be paid by the student. |
Public Service (per course) |
100.00 |
Public service courses are available to non-degree seeking students participating in academic trips. Students enrolled in public service courses are required to complete academic coursework during the trip.
Tuition for Online, Non-Traditional, and Graduate Education (2024-2025 Rates)
All charges are subject to change at the beginning of any semester or term.
Master of Arts in Christian Studies (per credit hour) |
350.00 |
Master of Business Administration (per credit hour) |
550.00 |
Master of Science in Marriage and Family Therapy (per credit hour) |
550.00 |
Master of Science in Nursing (per credit hour) |
550.00 |
Online BA-Christian Studies (per credit hour) |
350.00 |
Special Fees
ONGE Graduation Fee |
100.00 |
Graduate School Application Fee |
50.00 |
MBA/MA/MAT Integrated Course Fee (applied to all on campus integrated courses) |
100.00 |
MBA/MFT/MSN Graduation Fee |
100.00 |
MSN Nonrefundable Deposit |
500.00 |
Housing and Meals
All single student residence halls and apartments are air conditioned and equipped with internet access.
Residence Halls
Two students are normally assigned to each room. Private rooms will be assessed an additional charge as noted below, subject to availability. Students living in residence halls must have a 150 block, 220 block or Unlimited Meal Plan during the fall and spring semesters and a 32 or 44 meal plan during January term. All residence halls are closed during official University holiday periods. Students who will need housing during holiday periods should so indicate when applying for housing assignments.
The standard apartments are two-bedroom apartments equipped with a kitchen occupied by four upperclass students. The Apartment Village features apartments with four individual bedrooms, two shared bathrooms, full kitchen and shared living room, with some of the units including a washer and dryer inside the apartment. All apartment rates cover utilities. Students living in apartments must have a 60 or 80 block apartment meal plan, or they can upgrade to a standard 150 block, 220 block, or Unlimited Meal Plan for an additional charge.
Married Student Housing
A limited number of apartments for married students and/or students with children are available. Information and applications are available at the Residential Life Office. Residents pay utilities including gas, electricity and telephone. Cable TV and computer network services are included. A deposit of $25 is required with application and an additional deposit of $75 is required before occupancy.
Rates |
Burns, Cobbs, 1 bedroom (per month) |
$ 775.00 |
Devereaux West, 2 bedroom (per month) |
895.00 |
All rates are subject to change at the beginning of any semester or term.
The meal plans include a block of meals for use in the Laura Scales Cafeteria and a specified amount of Bison Bucks. Unless noted in the plan description, plans include one retail meal trade per day (Monday-Friday) which allows a student to use one meal to purchase select items from the Bison Grill or Chick-fil-A on the first floor of the Geiger Center. Bison Bucks can be used like cash at any of the Geiger Center food service locations. All unused meals and Bison Bucks expire at the end of each term.
Fall and Spring Terms: |
150 Block Meal Plan - 150 meals per term with $150 in Bison Bucks |
2375.00 |
220 Block Meal Plan - 220 meals per term with $125 in Bison Bucks |
2375.00 |
Unlimited Meal Plan - Unlimited access to the Laura Scales Cafeteria with $50 in Bison Bucks |
2375.00 |
(No retail meal trades are allowed) |
60 Block Apartment Meal Plan - 60 meals per term with $60 in Bison Bucks |
800.00 |
Apartment Meal Plan Full Upgrade (from 60 meals to full meal plan) |
1575.00 |
80 Block Apartment Meal Plan - 80 meals per term with $100 in Bison Bucks |
1090.00 |
Apartment Meal Plan Full Upgrade (from 80 meals to full meal plan) |
1285.00 |
All students living in a residence hall are required to have one of the standard Block plans or the Unlimited plan. Students living in on-campus apartments are required to have an Apartment Plan or can add a Block or Unlimited plan for an additional charge.
For students living off campus, a Block or Unlimited Meal Plan is available for purchase (contact the cashier’s office to purchase a Block or Unlimited Meal Plan) as well as the small Block Plans. These plans allow one retail meal trade per day (Monday through Friday) but do not have Bison Bucks. The meals can be used throughout the year but will expire if not used by the end of the Spring term.
10 Block Meal Plan |
$ 130.00 |
25 Block Meal Plan |
315.00 |
50 Block Meal Plan |
625.00 |
All rates and plans are subject to change at the beginning of any term. Meal plans are not subject to refund except upon withdrawal from school.
Bison Express
Bison Express is a declining balance account which can be added to a student ID card to be used at all Geiger Center food service locations. All students have the option of purchasing Bison Express dollars. Unused amounts may be carried forward from one term to the next and unused amounts are refundable upon departure from the University. Bison Express may be purchased at the Cashier’s window in Thurmond Hall.
Room Rates
Housing for Fall/Spring: |
Standard dorm (Kerr Residence Centers) |
$ 1,885.00 |
Standard dorm (Agee Residence Centers) |
1,950.00 |
Standard dorm (WMU) |
1,950.00 |
Suite style dorm (Howard and Taylor Residence Center) |
2,295.00 |
Suite Village |
2,555.00 |
East Devereaux Apartments |
2,240.00 |
Howard Apartments |
3,150.00 |
West University and MacArthur Apartments |
2,710.00 |
Apartment Village (with laundry) |
3,405.00 |
Apartment Village (without laundry) |
3,150.00 |
Private room rates for fall/spring are as follows: |
Kerr Residence Center |
584.00 |
Howard and Taylor Residence Center |
918.00 |
WMU and Agee Residence Centers |
605.00 |
Apartment Village |
1,150.00 |
East Deveraux Apartments |
1008.00 |
Howard Apartments |
1418.00 |
West University and MacArthur Apartments |
1,220.00 |
Housing for four-week Summer Term***: |
Suite Village |
639.00 |
East Devereaux Apartments |
560.00 |
Howard Apartments |
788.00 |
West University and MacArthur Apartments |
678.00 |
Apartment Village (without laundry) |
788.00 |
Apartment Village (with laundry) |
851.00 |
Summary of Charges
The following charges are typical for most full-time on-campus OBU students, but costs may vary depending on the room and/or meal plan selected by the student. In addition to the charges shown below, students should plan for personal expenses to cover clothing, laundry, books, supplies, etc.
Per Semester |
Per Academic Year |
Summer School*** |
Tuition |
$ 15,850 |
$ 31,700 |
$ 2,100 (6 hrs.) |
Student Services Fee |
1,425 |
2,850 |
190 |
Student Life Fee |
60 |
120 |
- |
Technology Fee |
450 |
900 |
120 |
Room and Board |
4,325 ** |
8,650 ** |
717* |
$ 22,110 |
$ 44,220 |
$3,127 |
*Charges shown are for a four-week summer term. Rates are adjusted proportionally for longer or shorter periods.
**Charge for standard dormitory housing and Block Meal Plan.
***Summer term tuition and fees published in this catalog reflect charges for Summer 2024.
University Policy concerning payment of tuition and fees: All charges for tuition, fees, room, and board are due and payable at the beginning of the term. Undergraduate Fall or Spring charges not covered by payments or by financial aid (as certified by the Office of Student Financial Services) may be paid under a Semester Installment Plan. Transcripts and/or a diploma will be withheld if an account is not paid in full. Also, enrollment for a subsequent semester is not allowed until all previous term account balances are paid in full.
Fall and Spring Undergraduate Installment Plans
Three-Payment Plan: Payments for enrollment costs, less verified financial aid, are due as follows: fall semester - September 1, October 1 and November 1. Spring semester - February 1, March 1 and April 1. For any month the minimum payment is late, a late payment fee of $23 is charged.
Four-Payment Plan: Payments for enrollment costs, less verified financial aid, are due as follows: fall semester - August 1, September 1, October 1, and November 1. Spring semester - January 1, February 1, March 1, and April 1. For any month the minimum payment is late, a late payment fee of $23 is charged.
Five-Payment Plan: Payments for enrollment costs, less verified financial aid, are due as follows: fall semester - July 1, August 1, September 1, October 1 and November 1. Spring semester - December 1, January 1, February 1, March 1 and April 1. For any month the minimum payment is late, a late payment fee of $23 is charged.
Summer Term: One-half of all undergraduate charges not covered by financial aid must be paid by the first day of class. The remainder of charges must be paid by the first day of the third week of class for four-week terms and by the first day of the fifth week of class for eight-week terms.
Prepayments Required
New undergraduate students must make a $125 enrollment guarantee deposit. The new student enrollment guarantee is not refundable after May 1 for the fall semester or November 1 for the spring semester.
Actions taken if student account payment deadlines are not met:
- Students who have not met minimum payment requirements, i.e. made appropriate payments or have loan applications filed with financial aid and approved by the Department of Education, by the fourth week of the fall or spring terms, may be withdrawn from school.
- Interest charge of 1 1/4% per month is assessed on the balance owed beginning on November 30 for the Fall term, February 28 for the January term, April 30 for the Spring term, and July 31 for the Summer term.
- Students will not be allowed to enroll in a subsequent semester until their accounts are paid in full.
- Students who do not meet the payment guidelines for the semester installment plan may be denied eligibility to participate in the semester installment plan in future semesters.
- Transcripts and/or a diploma will be withheld if an account is not paid in full.
- Collection agencies are employed to pursue past due accounts.
Withdrawal Refunds
If a student withdraws from school or decreases hours after classes begin, applicable refunds will post to the student account for tuition and fees based upon the following schedule. Refunds for tuition and fees are based upon the date the student notifies the Academic Center IN WRITING OR IN PERSON. The following percentages apply:
- Withdrawal from full fall or spring term: Within the first week of class, credit is 100%; within second week of class, 80%; within third week of class, 60%; within fourth week of class, 40%. No credit after fourth week of class.
- Withdrawal from the Winter term and four-week summer term: Within two academic days after classes begin, credit is 100%; within three academic days, 80%; within four academic days, 60%; within five academic days, 40%. No credit after first week of the Winter or four-week summer term.
- Withdrawal from eight-week terms: Within first week of class, credit is 100%; within six academic days, 80%; within seven academic days, 60%; within eight academic days, 40%. No refund after eight academic days of the eight-week term.
Refunds for housing are prorated on a daily rate based upon the date the student notifies Residential Life IN WRITING OR IN PERSON or officially checks out of campus housing, whichever is later. Meals are refunded according to the following schedule based upon the date the student notifies Residential Life IN WRITING OR IN PERSON. The following percentages apply:
Before Resident Halls Open - 100%
Two weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 85%
Four weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 70%
Six weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 55%
Eight weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 40%
Ten weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 25%
After ten weeks from the day Resident Halls Open - 0%, no refund
Dropping a Course or Withdrawing from the University After the Deadline (Retroactive Drops/Withdrawals)
- The maximum time period for submitting a petition to drop a course after the deadline is six months after the end of term of the pertinent enrollment.
- After published drop/withdrawal deadlines have passed, a student may petition to drop/withdraw retroactively under the following or similar conditions:
- Written verification from a recognized professional (e.g., physician) that the student was physically prevented from dropping or withdrawing prior to the published deadline due to illness, injury, or personal emergency of the student or a member of the immediate family.
- Written verification from an appropriate representative or publication of the University proving that the student was given misinformation as to the correct deadline for dropping a course or withdrawing from the University thus prompting the petition for retroactive drop/withdrawal.
- Written verification from the instructor of record that, due to a registration error, the student never attended the class (verification may state that the student neither submitted assignments nor completed examinations). The same verification is required for a petition to withdraw from an online course.
- Reasons similar to those listed below will not result in approval for petitions to retroactively drop a course or withdraw from the University:
- Student’s lack of knowledge or misunderstanding of the deadline (when no documented misinformation has been provided by the University).
- Student waited to get the results of an exam or other assignment.
- Student’s grades have declined since the deadline.
- Student does not need the course for graduation.
- Different deadlines existed at a previous school.
NOTE: This is a representative list of reasons not an exhaustive list.
- Exceptions to allow a student to retroactively drop a course or withdraw from the University are permitted within a specific time period and require involvement of the student, a university committee, and the faculty member(s) as described below.
- STUDENT: A student must obtain a Petition for Retroactive Drop/Withdrawal from Course(s) from the OBU website or from the Office of the Registrar and return the completed petition to the Office of the Registrar with supporting documentation and the signature of the student’s academic advisor and the instructor of record for the class(es) for which the student is requesting withdrawal. The signatures of the advisor and the instructor(s) of record do not indicate endorsement of the petition but only serve to document that they have been apprised of the student’s intent to petition.
- COMMITTEE: Petitions for exceptions to the deadline for dropping courses or withdrawing from the University will be reviewed by the Enrollment Management Committee or a subcommittee thereof. The committee may reach one of two decisions:
- Approve the petition and determine the circumstances beyond the student’s control clearly occurred prior to the published drop/withdrawal period. In this case, the Registrar will change the affected grade(s) to “W.”
- Deny the petition.
The Committee will inform the academic advisor, Dean of the College, and the instructor of record of its decision.
- DEADLINE: The maximum time period for submitting a petition to drop a course after the deadline is six months after the end of term of the pertinent enrollment.
- Enrollment Management Committee (review committee)
- The committee will determine by a majority vote whether the student’s circumstances merit the granting of an exception to the drop/withdrawal deadline and whether the circumstances call for a drop/withdrawal that is retroactive to the automatic “W” period.
- The key question in determining whether to approve the petition are (1) did the circumstances described prevent the student from dropping the course(s) within the published drop/withdrawal deadline, and (2) why did the circumstances described affect only the course(s) requested to be dropped.
- The decision of the committee is final. Members of the committee have full authority to act on the petition as representatives of faculty and administration. No appeal exists for the decision of the committee. Students whose petitions have been denied may request an additional review by the committee if new documentation or information regarding the petition is properly submitted.
Return of Title IV Funds Federal Financial Aid
Students who receive Title IV federal aid (Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Grant, TEACH, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal PLUS Loan), but withdraw before completing 60% of the term for which they have been funded are subject to the return of Title IV funds as well as the institutional refund policy. According to the federal policy, only the amount of federal financial aid earned (determined by the withdrawal date) may be retained by the student. The amount of earned aid is not related to whether the student has or has not paid the bill with the University. Any federal financial aid which is not determined to be earned aid, must be returned to the appropriate Title IV programs. The calculation of the return of federal financial aid and the refund of institutional awards per the OBU policy, may result in the student owing a balance to the University. Specific details of the federal formula used for the return of Title IV funds are available in the Student Financial Services Office. Additionally, if a student withdraws before the Oklahoma State Regents issues a reimbursement check to OBU for any Oklahoma state grants, the full amount of the state grant(s) will be reversed from the student’s account as they are no longer eligible for the grant and OBU will not be reimbursed.
Financial Aid
The Office of Student Financial Services is provided to help eligible students obtain financial assistance and financial planning to attend OBU. Aid is available in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, part-time employment, and various educational assistance programs. Assistance is offered to help students and their parents plan the best approach to obtain a college education. The goal of the Student Financial Services Office is to ensure that no eligible student is denied the opportunity to study at OBU because of insufficient financial resources.
Paying for college can be challenging, but it does not have to be overwhelming. We do our best to make an OBU education affordable for students who want that education and can meet its demands. Therefore, our objective is simple - to identify every resource available in hopes of making an OBU education a reality. Although paying for a college education is primarily a family responsibility, a variety of financial assistance programs are available to supplement family resources and ease the financial burden of those experiencing financial hardships. In reality however, for most families who for whatever reason have not been able to save for college, borrowing through student and parent loan programs may be a necessity. More information is available at
OBU Scholarship Programs
The numerous academic, competitive, and performance scholarships offered by the University are listed below. Students must be enrolled on a full-time basis (at least 12 credit hours per semester) and admitted as a degree seeking undergraduate student in order to receive these awards and may receive only one academic scholarship unless otherwise noted. Academic scholarships are awarded and lost on an annual basis rather than a semester by semester basis. However, all awards are credited to the student’s account at the rate of one-half the annual amount per fall/spring semester. All OBU scholarships are awarded on a nondiscriminatory basis.
Scholarships will be evaluated at the end of the spring term and are renewable as long as the student maintains the cumulative GPA required by the respective scholarship. OBU scholarships may be retained for a maximum of eight semesters or the completion of an undergraduate degree, whichever comes first.
Renewal awards are determined by using the student’s cumulative GPA prior to the start of the fall semester. Grade point averages are not rounded for the purposes of scholarship renewal eligibility. In the event a scholarship is lost due to an insufficient cumulative GPA, it may be reinstated once the student reaches the required minimum at the beginning of an academic year. Summer course work will be accepted toward scholarship renewal eligibility for the following fall semester. Reinstatement must be requested in writing by the student.
OBU Scholarships require a minimum 2.0 cumulative grade point average unless otherwise stated in the scholarship description.
In cases of mitigating circumstances, the student may appeal the loss of a scholarship by submitting a letter of appeal to the Director of Student Financial Services.
Freshmen University Scholars |
Full Tuition |
Six awards are made to incoming full-time freshmen. Students must have at least a 29 ACT, 1330 SAT, or 89 CLT with a 3.50 high school GPA to apply. For consideration, submit an application for admission, transcripts, test scores, essay, one letter of recommendation and activity resumé. All documents must be received in the Admissions Office by JANUARY 14, with finalists being selected for an interview after that time. Awards are announced by MARCH 15, and are renewable annually with a 2.00 cumulative GPA. The award is limited to 16 hours per semester for eight semesters or until completion of a degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship does not cover January or summer term tuition. University Scholar recipients are not eligible for other OBU scholarships. |
Allen Academic Scholarship |
Full Tuition |
This full-tuition scholarship is awarded to a student who has at least a 27 ACT, 1270 SAT, or 84 CLT and a 3.50 GPA and resides in western Oklahoma. Qualified students will be asked to submit supporting documents including an essay, resume, and letter of recommendation. OBU will invite a group of students to campus to interview for the scholarship. All documents must be received in the Admissions Office by JANUARY 14 with finalists being selected for an interview after that time. Awards are announced by MARCH 15, and are renewable annually with a 2.00 cumulative GPA. The award is limited to 16 hours per semester for eight semesters or until completion of a degree, whichever comes first. Scholarship does not cover January or summer term tuition. Allen Scholar is not eligible for other OBU scholarships. |
Martin Choctaw Student Scholar |
Full Tuition |
This full-tuition scholarship is awarded to a Choctaw student who is recognized by the Choctaw Nation as being Choctaw with at least a 25 ACT or 1200 SAT and a 3.00 GPA. Qualified students will be asked to submit supporting documents including an essay, resume, and letter of recommendation. OBU will invite a group of students to campus to interview for the scholarship. Contact the Admissions office for details. Scholarship renewal GPA is 2.00. Scholarship does not cover January or summer term tuition. Martin Scholar is not eligible for other OBU scholarships. |
Freshmen Academic Scholarships |
$10,000-$15,000 |
Academic Scholarships range from $10,000-$15,000 and award amounts are determined based on high school GPA. To calculate your eligibility, go to and enter your information. |
Transfer Academic Scholarships |
$8,000-$12,000 |
Transfer Academic Scholarships are awarded upon receipt of the student’s transcript mailed directly to OBU from the school. If the student is admitted, then the student is awarded a scholarship based on that GPA. |
Transfer Student Academic Scholarships
Scholarships are awarded based on current college transcript and admission to the university.
Academic Award |
Less than 2.50 |
$8,000 |
2.50-2.99 |
$10,000 |
3.00-3.599 |
$11,000 |
3.60 & above |
$12,000 |
Phi Theta Kappa Scholarships |
$1,000 per year |
The PTK Scholarships are for transfer students who are members of Phi Theta Kappa. |
Other Scholarship Awards - Requires Full-time Enrollment
Fine Arts Scholarships |
$500-$4,000 |
Scholarships are awarded by audition to outstanding full-time students in the areas of Art, Music, Communication Arts, and Theatre. In order for a student to retain an award, he/she must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.50, a fine arts grade point average of 3.00, and must make satisfactory progress in performance. Student must retain the corresponding Fine Arts major. Students may retain scholarships for a maximum of eight semesters. Contact the division chair in the appropriate area for information about audition requirements and to schedule an audition. |
Departmental Scholarships of various amounts are awarded to students majoring in Art, Music, Theatre, Communication Arts, Nursing or a ministry vocation. Students are eligible to apply for a limited number of scholarships awarded by the OBU department of their major.
OBU Bison Grants and/or OBU Endowed Scholarships of various amounts are awarded to students based on the amount of unmet need with consideration of other financial aid the student receives.
Church Partnership Program is designed to encourage Baptist youth to attend OBU by forming a direct financial partnership between Baptist churches, Baptist associations and the University. The program will match up to $1,000 provided by participating churches or associations for a possible $2,000 annual award. The annual award will be divided equally between the fall and spring semesters. To apply, request an Agreement Form from the OBU Student Financial Services Office.
Church Staff Dependent Scholarships of $1,000 are awarded annually to the spouse or children of paid professional denominational ministers who are currently serving in a Southern Baptist church position or as employees of the BGCO, SBC, or missionaries appointed by the SBC North American or International Mission Boards. Application is made by submitting an official employer letter designating the professional Southern Baptist staff position of the student’s spouse or parent.
MK Scholarships of $1,000 up to half-tuition are awarded annually to the children of SBC International Mission Board and North American Mission Board missionaries. OBU guarantees MKs a total amount of OBU scholarships of at least half of the tuition. The MK may be awarded more than the $1,000 minimum if it needs to be increased to reach the guaranteed amount. Scholarship is applicable for Fall and Spring semesters only and requires full-time enrollment.
Mary June Tabor Church Music Scholarships of $1,000 or more provide financial aid for students preparing for full-time church music ministry. A recipient must be pursuing a music degree, with preference for those enrolled in the B.M. in Church Music; must enroll for and attend monthly meetings of the Worship Studies Forum (MUCL 1060); must maintain a 2.00 grade point average in at least 12 semester hours during the fall and spring terms; must submit a Request for Renewal each year; and must maintain a Christian lifestyle appropriate for ministry and in accordance with The Green Book.
Louise M. Prichard Scholarship |
$3,500 |
Prichard scholarships are awarded to all ministry majors in the Herschel H. Hobbs College of Theology and Ministry. Student must indicate a Hobbs Ministry major on their Admissions Application and remain in that major while at OBU. Prichard is renewable for up to eight semesters with 2.0 cumulative GPA. |
Acteens who complete the requirements listed below may earn a scholarship ranging from $200 per year for one level to $800 per year for five or more levels of achievement. The scholarship is available for a maximum of eight semesters of full-time enrollment.
Requirements for scholarship |
Level Completed |
Scholarship Amount |
One Year |
$200 per year |
Two Years |
$300 per year |
Three Years |
$400 per year |
Four Years |
$500 per year |
Five Years |
$700 per year |
Six Years |
$700 per year |
Oklahoma State Citation |
$800 per year |
Students receive the amount for the highest category achieved in the list above. The award can be combined with either or both of the amounts listed below. |
Oklahoma State Advisory Panelists |
$750 per year |
National Acteens Advisory Panelist |
$750 per year |
To apply for this scholarship, please contact the Financial Aid Office at OBU.
Challengers who complete the requirements for Mission Challenge awards may earn a four-year scholarship to OBU. The following schedule is used in the awarding of these scholarships:
Level of Missions Challenge Awards |
Annual Amount |
First Award |
$200 |
Second Award |
$300 |
Third Award |
$400 |
Fourth Award |
$500 |
Fifth or additional Award |
$600 |
Request special application form from the OBU Student Financial Services Office.
Concurrent Scholarships are available to High School Juniors and Seniors. This scholarship reduces the tuition rate to $125 per credit hour for a maximum of six hours per semester. Any special fees must be paid by the student.
International Diversity Scholarship |
$7,000 per year |
For students attending OBU on an I-20 application and admitted as a regular degree seeking student. This scholarship may not be combined with any OBU academic scholarship. |
Activities Scholarships - Requires Full-time Enrollment and 2.0 GPA
Athletic Scholarships* are available to students who demonstrate exceptional ability in the University’s varsity programs. These scholarships may include tuition, fees, books, housing and meals. To apply, the student should contact the coach of the applicable sport.
*Athletes who receive OBU athletic aid are ineligible for other OBU scholarships unless they meet one of the following criteria for an academic scholarship to be exempt: 1) ranked in the upper 20 percent of the high school graduating class; 2) achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5; 3) minimum sum ACT score of 100; 4) minimum sum SAT score of 1140. If student does not qualify under these criteria then they will need to complete 24 hours and have a minimum GPA of 3.3 in order to receive an academic scholarship. If student meet any of the above requirements, they are eligible to receive an Academic Scholarship but will not receive any other OBU scholarships.
Student Government Association Scholarships are awarded annually to the SGA president and vice president. The president receives $1,000 and the vice president receives $500 during the year they are serving in these SGA positions.
Instrumental Ensemble Scholarships of $250 to $1,500 per year are available to students, regardless of major, who are selected for participation in an OBU Instrumental Ensemble: MUPR 1659 - Symphonic Winds , MUPR 1669 - OBU/Shawnee Community Orchestra , and MUPR 1679 - Bison Jazz Orchestra . An audition and registration in the course are required. Interested students should contact the Coordinator of Instrumental Studies prior to enrollment.
Choral Scholarships are available to outstanding vocalists, regardless of major, who are selected for membership in OBU’s auditioned choral ensembles: MUPR 1619 - University Chorale , MUPR 1629 - Bison Glee Club and MUPR 1639 - Bisonette Glee Club . An audition and registration in the course are required. Interested students should contact the Director of Choral Activities prior to enrollment.
Aid Based on Demonstrated Need
Funds in this category may be combined with any other funds or resources, but most programs have maximum limits that prohibit excess above the cost of education.
Financial need is the difference between the cost of attending OBU and the student’s available resources. For part of the student’s resources, his/ her parents are expected to make a reasonable contribution toward educational expenses, unless it can be clearly established that the family is financially unable to provide support, or unless the student is an independent student by federal aid definition. OBU uses the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) analysis to determine the expected family contribution. FAFSA may be completed online at
A student must complete the form designating OBU as the institution to receive the results. Once OBU receives the FAFSA results and all supporting documents, a determination will be made of financial aid available to the student.
The University participates in the following student aid programs:
Federal Direct Stafford Loan
Federal Direct Parental Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)
Federal Direct Graduate (PLUS) Loans
Federal Pell Grant
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
Oklahoma’s Promise
Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (for Oklahoma residents only) (OTAG)
Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (for Oklahoma residents only) (OTEG)
Federal College Work Study Employment
Benefits From Other Government Agencies
The University is fully accredited to participate in programs offered by the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Vocational Rehabilitative Services. Students should contact the appropriate agency for applications or information on eligibility requirements. The University is approved for the use of VA education benefits by the Oklahoma Department of Veteran Affairs State Approving Agency.
The “Aid” Package
All applicants will be considered for eligibility for a Federal Pell Grant, Federal Stafford Loan, Federal Supplement Educational Opportunity Grant, TEACH, Oklahoma Tuition Aid Grant (Oklahoma residents), Oklahoma Tuition Equalization Grant (Oklahoma Residents), Federal Work Study, and any other aid administered through the OBU Student Financial Services Office for which an applicant may qualify. In this way, the applicant may be awarded an aid package, consisting of a loan, grant, scholarship, and work study eligibility or any combination of these. The type and amount of aid the applicant will receive is determined by three factors:
- need as shown by the FAFSA need analysis;
- the availability of funds; and
- the applicant’s academic progress.
In no case will a student receive financial aid which exceeds the cost of attendance defined by the Student Financial Services Office.
Renewal of Aid
To be considered for renewal of financial aid, renewal FAFSA applications and supporting documents must be submitted each year. The awarding of renewal aid will be subject to the same consideration used in awarding previous financial assistance.
Measurable Academic Progress
Funds received through any Title IV student assistance program available at OBU are subject to cancellation in cases where measurable academic progress is not maintained. For financial aid purposes, academic progress toward a degree is defined as follows:
- Enrollment in a program of study leading to a baccalaureate degree with a sufficient number of credit hours to be a full-time student.
- Completion of minimum of 67% of overall credit hours attempted with a cumulative overall grade point average of at least a 2.0 for students with 60 or more attempted hours or a 1.75 for less than 60 hours.
Each student’s academic records will be checked following completion of the spring term. Students failing to maintain this standard of measurable academic progress will be placed on “Financial Aid Suspension.” The student will not be allowed to receive any type of financial assistance, including PLUS loans until the student meets SAP requirements or has an approved suspension appeal.
When the requirements for a baccalaureate degree have been met or when the student has attempted a total of 192 credit hours, aid will no longer be available, even if the student is otherwise eligible.
Students may request a copy of the “Oklahoma Baptist University Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy” in its entirety from the OBU Student Financial Services Office or online at
The pursuit of studies should be the principal interest of university students. Students are discouraged from attempting to maintain full-time employment in addition to a full-time academic schedule. It is recommended that students engage in no more than 20 hours of employment per week if they are enrolled as full-time students (12-16 hours). In keeping with this recommendation, campus employment will generally be limited to 20 hours a week.
The University offers various student work opportunities. On-campus and off-campus jobs are arranged directly with the employer; however, job opportunities are posted on the online Career Portal located at Students desiring to work will consult the Career Portal.
Maximum Amount of OBU Funds a Student May Receive
- OBU funds are those which are provided directly by the University and those funds awarded to students who are selected under the scholarship policy of the institution. (Includes endowed scholarships.)
- Enrollment costs are defined as those paid to the University for services such as tuition, fees, and room and board. Enrollment costs specifically do NOT include books and supplies, off-campus living expenses, transportation costs, miscellaneous personal expenses, and any of the service fees or penalties incurred after the initial enrollment (traffic tickets, library fines, equipment rental, etc.).
- If a student receives two or more scholarships funded by OBU, he/she may use such gifts as long as the total is not more than the cost of enrollment (tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board).
- If a student is eligible to receive any funds based on need, and the amount of such funds is regulated by the OBU Student Financial Services Office, any OBU awards plus the funds based on need may cover the calculated cost of education (tuition, fees, books, room and board, and miscellaneous personal expenses) as long as these expenses are determined to be college-related. Under no circumstances will OBU funds be awarded for any expenses beyond the cost of enrollment (tuition, fees, on-campus room, and meal plan).
- OBU scholarships (endowed or otherwise) are limited to a maximum of eight semesters and require full-time enrollment.
- Athletes who receive OBU athletic aid are ineligible for other OBU scholarships unless they meet one of the following criteria for an academic scholarship to be exempt: 1) ranked in the upper 20 percent of the high school graduating class; 2) achieve a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5; 3) minimum sum ACT score of 100; 4) minimum sum SAT score of 1140. If student does not qualify under these criteria then they will need to complete 24 hours and have a minimum GPA of 3.3 in order to receive an academic scholarship. If student meets any of the above requirements, they are eligible to receive an Academic Scholarship but will not receive any other OBU scholarships.
Other Important Financial Aid Facts
- Students must be officially accepted for admission by OBU before assistance can be awarded.
- All OBU scholarship funds require certain grade point averages for renewal eligibility. Grades are checked at the end of the spring semester for renewal eligibility unless otherwise specified. For specific details, contact the Student Financial Services Office.
- In all aid programs, the availability of funds determines the number and size of awards given each year.
- Students enrolled in diploma courses through the School of Christian Studies are not eligible to receive federal aid (Title IV funds) administered through OBU for those courses.
- Financial aid resources are limited. Many students have unmet financial need. Therefore, in no case will it be possible for a student to receive financial aid in excess of his/ her cost of education. Should a student receive an excessive amount of financial aid, it may be necessary to reduce one or more sources of aid in order to resolve an over awarding of funds.