2024-2025 Academic Catalog 
    Feb 02, 2025  
2024-2025 Academic Catalog

Special Programs

Continuing Education

The Continuing Education Program allows OBU faculty to respond quickly to the changing needs of adults in the campus community and the community at large. Courses in topics of timely interest can be fielded as the need arises and offered on schedules planned with the working person in mind. Credit may be for academic hours or for Continuing Education units as needed.

Integrated OBU Bachelor’s Degree/MA Degree Program

Through an integrated program, OBU provides the opportunity for students from all disciplines to begin work toward a Master of Christian Studies or Master of Intercultural Studies degree while completing an undergraduate degree at OBU. Through the program, students from any academic discipline can pursue completion of both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree within approximately six years. For more information, consult the MA degree section of the academic catalog.

Integrated OBU Bachelor’s Degree/MBA Degree Program

Students at Oklahoma Baptist University are more likely to complete their bachelor’s degrees in four years than at most colleges in the region. Now, our Integrated Bachelor’s Degree/MBA Degree Program gives you the chance to complete both undergraduate and graduate degrees in five years.

No matter what your discipline of study, you can begin work toward a Master of Business Administration degree at OBU while completing your undergraduate degree. You don’t have to major in a business field to qualify for the integrated program. you only need to complete the prescribed 12 hours of business courses and meet other College of Graduate and Professional Studies admission standards before provisional admission to the OBU MBA program will be granted. For more information, review the College of Graduate and Professional Studies catalog.

Integrated OBU Bachelor’s Degree/MFT Degree Program

Through an integrated program, OBU provides the opportunity for students from all disciplines to begin work toward a Master of Marriage and Family Therapy degree while completing an undergraduate degree at OBU. Through the program, students from any academic discipline can pursue completion of both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree within approximately six years. For more information, review the College of Graduate and Professional Studies catalog.

Prison Divinity Program

Oklahoma Baptist University has a partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to offer a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Studies at the Lexington Correctional Center in Lexington, Oklahoma. The program serves as a catalyst for cultural change within the Oklahoma state prison system by advancing OBU’s mission of life transformation and gospel proclamation while accomplishing moral rehabilitation in the lives of inmates who study in the program. Courses are taught in-person at the prison to inmates who have applied and been accepted into the program. Graduates of the program are eligible for deployment by the Oklahoma Department of Corrections to prisons across the state to serve as Field Ministers.

Joe L. Ingram School of Christian Studies

The Joe L. Ingram School of Christian Studies, formerly the Ministry Training Institute, offers courses in Christian studies through online and off-campus centers located throughout the state of Oklahoma and other states. The SCS provides college-level courses which can be applied toward a variety of ministry emphases, a Diploma, an Associate of Arts Degree, or a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Christian Studies. Courses are taught by qualified faculty using materials prepared by members of the College of Theology and Ministry. For more information, review the College of Graduate and Professional Studies catalog.

* Note: Beginning Fall 2019, we will not be accepting new students into the Diploma in Christian Studies Program

Study Abroad Programs

The Study Abroad Program champions the OBU Mission Statement which says “As a Christian liberal arts university, OBU transforms lives by equipping students to pursue academic excellence, integrate faith with all areas of knowledge, engage a diverse world, and live worthy of the high calling of God in Christ.” There is no better way to accomplish each element of the OBU Mission Statement at the undergraduate level than to study abroad.

The importance of travel and study abroad is widely recognized, and recent studies indicate employers look for graduates who have international study experience. Statistically, graduates who have traveled internationally and studied abroad possess a broader perspective, as well as a greater sense of direction and flexibility than those who have not.

In addition to enhancing career opportunities, studying abroad contributes to personal growth enabling students to develop intellectually, appreciate diverse cultures and adapt to international differences.

Study Opportunities

There are a variety of options available to study off-campus for OBU students. Professors take students on various academic trips throughout the United States and around the world in conjunction with specific classes or in partial fulfillment of Honors Program requirements. Students may also choose to participate in an exchange program with a partnering university, or take advantage of a study program offered by one of our partners listed below.

Additional options for study abroad are available through the following organizations:

Consortium for Global Education (CGE) – CGE offers a wide variety of study abroad opportunities. Click here for more information.

You must contact the Office of Global Mobilization to set up an advising meeting in order to begin the process for studying abroad.

January Term

January Term offers students a three-week session to complete courses in a compressed format. OBU also offers unique January Term courses which provide focused learning or missions experiences. January Term enrollment is required for all first-year students.

Students who register for at least one January Term course, and who resided in campus housing during the preceding fall semester or will reside in campus housing for the following spring semester, are eligible for free campus housing during the three-week term. Meal plans must be purchased separately.

Two tuition-free courses will be offered for students. Freshmen who are on academic probation from the preceding fall semester will be required to take a tuition-free Success 101 course during January Term. Students on academic probation from the fall semester who have previously taken Success 101 will be required to take Success 102 during January Term.

Summer Session

A summer session of eight weeks (including two mini-terms of four weeks, which may be taken separately if desired) allows students to take up to 12 hours of work. Summer offerings are scheduled on demand and are comparable in content to the courses offered in the fall and spring semesters.

Southwest Baptist University Department of Physical Therapy

Given the similarity of our missions and values, the physical therapy program at Southwest Baptist University (SBU) desires to facilitate the admission process for graduates of Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU). It is our intention that this process be facilitated by assuring that students of OBU who take the following courses will meet prerequisite requirements for the Doctor of Physical Therapy Program (DPT) at SBU. In addition, SBU will give preference points in the selection of candidates to OBU graduates. The DPT program at SBU starts each Fall and is completed in 33 months. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis starting in September of each year.

Applicants for the physical therapy program at SBU are required to have English composition and demonstrate computer competency. This agreement assumes that Oklahoma Baptist will continue to have these same requirements for graduation.

A student who completes a baccalaureate degree in any major at OBU and the requirements for admission to the DPT program at SBU as listed below will automatically receive preference points and be eligible for the admission process.

  1. Students must have a minimum of 3.00 overall grade point average.
  2. Students must complete the graduate record exam (GRE).
  3. Students must complete the PT application through PTCAS by the deadline of the intended enrollment date.
  4. Students must document up to 40 hours experience/observation in physical therapy.
  5. International students must meet eligibility requirements as outlined in section on Admission to the University in the Southwest Baptist University catalog.
  6. Students must complete all of the following prerequisite courses with a minimum of a “C” and a 3.25 prerequisite GPA. Prerequisites should not be taken pass/fail.
    • Chemistry: CHEM 1105  General Chemistry I and CHEM 1115  General Chemistry II
    • Physics: PHYS 2414  College Physics I and PHYS 2424  College Physics II OR PHYS 2515  University Physics I and PHYS 2525  University Physics II
    • Biology: BIOL 3144  Animal Biology, OR with approval, any upper level human or animal-based Biology course with a lab.
    • Anatomy/Physiology: BIOL 2354  Human Anatomy and BIOL 2364  Human Physiology
    • Statistics: MATH 2003  Basic Statistics OR PSYC 2224 Statistics for Behavioral and Social Sciences
    • Psychology (applicants for Fall of 2022 or later will require all 3 psychology courses): PSYC 1223  General Psychology and EDUC 3013  Human Development or PSYC 4723  Abnormal Psychology
  7. Completion of the following support courses (not calculated into prerequisite GPA).
    • Medical Terminology: NURS 1153  Medical Terminology at a “B” grade or higher
    • Exercise Physiology: not required, but highly recommended; EXSC 3804  with a “B” grade or higher will be exempt from completing the exercise physiology component of the DPT program
    • Pathophysiology: not required, but highly recommended; NURS 2213 Pathophysiology and Nursing Care of the Pediatric Client and NURS 3736 Pathophysiology and Nursing Care of the Acutely Ill Adult Client

The admissions requirements are subject to change. Updates to the requirements can also be found in the most current SBU graduate catalog.

Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary

OBU serves as a satellite campus for Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary of Fort Worth, Texas. Faculty employed by the seminary provide instruction leading to the Master of Divinity and Master of Arts in Christian Education degrees. Contact OBU’s Dean of Spiritual Life for further information.

Union University College of Pharmacy

The Union University College of Pharmacy (UUCOP) has partnered with Oklahoma Baptist University (OBU) to offer direct admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree program to interested undergraduate students. The purpose of the Direct Admission Program is to recruit highly qualified students early in their college careers and to streamline their admission to the Doctor of Pharmacy program at Union University.

The Direct Admission Program guarantees admission to the UUCOP, pending successful adherence to progression and matriculation criteria. Direct Admission students are not required to take the Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT). In some cases, undergraduate research opportunities may be available to qualified students.

Students admitted to OBU as freshmen automatically qualify for direct admission to the UUCOP. A currently enrolled OBU student must complete a minimum of 28 of the required pharmacy prerequisite hours at OBU (at least 14 hours of science and math) with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

To enter the Direct Admission program or to maintain eligibility:

  1. Students must notify the UUCOP Office of Admissions of the desire for Direct Admission by completing the form and submitting it to the UUCOP Office of Admissions no later than October 15. Registration with the UUCOP is critical as space is limited for each admitted class.
  2. Maintain a cumulative GPA of ≥3.0; to be attained by the Spring semester a year prior to matriculation.
  3. Achieve an ACT score ≥22 prior to matriculation into the UUCOP.
  4. Register for and complete a minimum of 14 hours per semester (fall and spring) at OBU.
  5. Submit an unofficial copy of student transcript to the UUCOP Office of Admissions at the conclusion of each semester.
  6. Complete all pharmacy prerequisites prior to matriculation into the UUCOP with a grade of “C” or higher in each course.

The prospective pharmacy student should take courses that will increase the strength of the applicant’s candidacy include biochemistry, immunology, genetics, and a second semester of physics. Not all introductory courses in the sciences, calculus, or statistics will be accepted in fulfillment of pre-pharmacy requirements.

For all science, calculus, or statistics courses, the prospective pharmacy student should take courses which are suitable for science majors intending graduate study and should include laboratories when available.

Elective courses must conform to the following distribution and requirements:

  • Humanities electives include courses from arts, history, language, literature, or philosophy.
  • Social Sciences electives include courses from anthropology, economics, political science, psychology, or sociology

The admission requirements are subject to change. Updates to the requirements can also be found in the most current Union University graduate catalog.

Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps (AFROTC)

AFROTC is a nationwide program that allows students to pursue commissions (become officers) in the United States Air Force (USAF) while simultaneously attending college. AFROTC classes are held on college campuses throughout the United States and Puerto Rico; students can registered through normal course registration processes. AFROTC consists of four years of Aerospace Studies classes (Foundations of the USAF, Evolution of USAF and Space Power, Air Force Leadership Studies, and National Security Affairs/ Preparation for Active Duty), and a corresponding Leadership Laboratory for each year (where students apply leadership skills, demonstrate command and effective communication, develop physical fitness, and practice military customs and courtesies). College students enrolled in the AFROTC program (known as “cadets”) who successfully complete both AFROTC training and college degree requirements will graduate and simultaneously commission as Second Lieutenants in the Active Duty Air Force.

The AFROTC program is currently offered at the University of Oklahoma, but they have a crosstown agreement that allows our students to enroll in AFROTC and become full-fledged cadet participants. For more information on AFROTC course descriptions, please review http:/www.ou.edu/enrollment/course_catalog.html and browse for the AERO classes. For more information on the AFROTC program, please review http:/ou.edu/rotc/air-force.html.

Focus On The Family Institute

Through a cooperative agreement with Focus on the Family Institute, OBU students may take a semester of courses for credit in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Students interested in this program should contact the Provost.

Off-Campus Semester and Summer Programs

The Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU), an association of more than 100 institutions in the U.S. and Canada, offers the following semester and summer programs to students of its member institutions. The programs provide a unique opportunity for students to make the world their classroom, going beyond the confines of the traditional classroom. These interdisciplinary learning opportunities are available to upperclass students. For further information, contact either the Academic Center or the CCCU.